Caldarale, Charles R uttered:
From: Alex Hooper [] Subject: Re: logging
failure with tomcat 6.0.29, jvm 1.6.0_30-b12, ubuntu 10.04.3 LTS
We've not modified it, though, so should be as per dist.
It appears to be as you say. Looking at the stack trace a bit
> From: Alex Hooper []
> Subject: Re: logging failure with tomcat 6.0.29, jvm 1.6.0_30-b12, ubuntu
> 10.04.3 LTS
> We've not modified it, though, so should be as per dist.
It appears to be as you say. Looking at the stack
Caldarale, Charles R uttered:
From: Alex Hooper []
Subject: logging failure with tomcat 6.0.29, jvm 1.6.0_30-b12, ubuntu 10.04.3 LTS
With the software noted above
Thanks for providing that.
I get the following when starting tomcat and no logs
other than
> From: Alex Hooper []
> Subject: logging failure with tomcat 6.0.29, jvm 1.6.0_30-b12, ubuntu 10.04.3
> With the software noted above
Thanks for providing that.
> I get the following when starting tomcat and no logs
> other than cat
With the software noted above, I get the following when starting tomcat
and no logs other than catalina.are produced.
Can't load log handler ""
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: 1ca