Global Ajax indicator doesn't hide for AjaxEditableChoiceLabel updates

2010-11-02 Thread Anthony DePalma
I was wondering if anyone has experienced this issue, or has any advice. All other ajax calls work fine with the IAjaxIndicatorAware interface on my abstract page, the loading div displays and hides after the request is finished, however, when using the onSubmit of an AjaxEditableChoiceLabel to upd

Seeing sporadic ClassNotFoundExceptions after upgrading from 1.4.9 or 1.4.11

2010-10-28 Thread Anthony DePalma
I was wondering if this was a known issue, or if it is something specific to my application. I have made minimal changes besides upgrading to 1.4.12, and now I am seeing some of these logs appear (although I havent been able to reproduce them myself) 2010-10-27 14:36:05,070 ERROR [TP-Processor11]

How would you pass your character limits in reusable forms?

2010-09-15 Thread Anthony DePalma
I have a reusable form panel for some of my applications, but many of the text fields and text areas have different max lengths depending on the application using them. So I was thinking of the best ways to pass these lengths and came up with a bunch of ideas. The obvious way is to pass the limits

Using Apache mod rewrite to fix home page parameter problem

2010-07-27 Thread Anthony DePalma
I am looking for a solution to a nagging problem on my first wicket site, The problem is that page parameters are not bookmarkable on the page that is specified as the application home page. For an example, the breadcrumb link Home > 'Page 1' on is un

Modal window form not submitting in Chrome after dependency change?

2010-07-03 Thread Anthony DePalma
I seem to be having a strange problem that I believe started happening possibly after changing wicket versions or cleaning up my dependencies. In a nutshell, if I open a modal window with a form in it, and submit the form via ajax, nothing happens in Google Chrome. I turned on wicket debug and see

Javascript templating? Removing java code mixed with js

2010-05-07 Thread Anthony DePalma
I recently developed a component that can be added to any form to put a character countdown div next to any textarea. Just for some background, the component constructor is: CharacterCountdownPanel(String id, TextArea textArea, int charLimit). The textarea is necessary because the countdown panel

Bookmarkable root page with PageParameters

2010-03-02 Thread Anthony DePalma
I added a bookmarkablePagingNavigator to my page to enhance seo, and when the homepage was bound to the context '/stories', it worked very well ( However I wanted to remove the stories context so the homepage was bound directly to the root, and now it seems

Bug with setResponsePage and PageParameters for wicket 1.4.6?

2010-02-05 Thread Anthony DePalma
I noticed something strange, I have a search panel on all pages that contains a single form like so: final Form searchForm = new StatelessForm("searchForm", model) { @Override protected void onSubmit() {

Quick question - Bad to serialize a class reference?

2009-12-28 Thread Anthony DePalma
I am making a modal window link component that will fallback to a standard redirect if javascript is disabled. Traditionally I have been overriding a method called onFallback() and forcing users to manually setRedirect(true), setResponsePage(blah), but I would prefer it if I could just pass the cla

Custom error page interfering with page expired

2009-11-23 Thread Anthony DePalma
A while back I posted that I was having problems with what I thought was the CryptedUrlWebRequestCodingStrategy. I've learn since that my custom error handling was the problem, so I wanted to take a step back and ask how I should be doing this. I have a requirement that on an internal error (besid

Can @SpringBeans be optional?

2009-11-23 Thread Anthony DePalma
Often with spring I give some of my services extra features if they are configured in the xml for it, but otherwise if they are null they are simply ignored. I'm running into an issue with my websession, that one of my apps can use the RememberMeService but another cannot. However, I'd like to have

ModalWindow best practice - panel or page?

2009-11-08 Thread Anthony DePalma
Is there a performance benefit for using one way rather than the other? This stemmed from a problem I encountered with cross domain scripting and I've been weighing the pros and cons against panels and pages. On the negative side I need a new page hierarchy since I can't reuse the original layout

javax.crypto.BadPaddingException on expired sessions using CryptedUrlWebRequestCodingStrategy

2009-11-03 Thread Anthony DePalma
I am getting a WicketRuntimeException whenever a user clicks a session based url after the session has expired. I noticed there was a previous thread about this here: I was hoping since I upgraded my application to use the l

Can anyone share a ReCaptcha Panel?

2009-09-28 Thread Anthony DePalma
I saw there was an archived post about a panel that was created for this purpose, but the code was shared through PasteBin and it seems the urls are old and possibly, filled with some kind of virus. Does anyone still have or know of a complete recaptcha panel that can be shared?

Bug with firefox when submitting an ajax form inside a modal window

2009-09-17 Thread Anthony DePalma
To be more specific, I ran into this problem when trying to submit a form from a panel that was rendered inside a modal window, but only if the panel itself was rendered by ajax. In my case, that meant calling somePanel.replaceWith(TestPanel), and having a form inside TestPanel fail. The problem o