
2009-07-18 Thread Kenneth NA
Let's rephrase my problem. I connect a validator to a TextField in a DataView (inside populateItem() and connect a ComponentFeedbackPanel to it. final TextField tf = new TextField(data, new PropertyModel(row, data)); final ComponentFeedbackPanel

RE: error(validatable)

2009-07-18 Thread Kenneth NA
Thanks for the information. But if I don't have an Ajax button but a normal Button which submits the form? There is no target variable in the onValidate() method. I attached a quickstart earlier, where I showed that if I use Ajax onblur/onchange and use onError/onUpdate there i nor

RE: Validation component feedback in table column

2009-07-17 Thread Kenneth NA
I have already added one ComponentFeedbackPanel in the populateItem() method final ComponentFeedbackPanel tfFeedback = new ComponentFeedbackPanel(tfFeedback, tf); tfFeedback.setOutputMarkupId(true); item.add(tfFeedback); and if I also add the

Is it possible to register multiple behaviors for a field?

2009-07-12 Thread Kenneth NA
I want to register two behaviors for a textfield, is this possible, as I only see the result and call to one of them? This is what I am trying to do: textfield.add(new ComponentVisualErrorBehavior(onblur, tf)); textfield.add(new AjaxFormComponentUpdatingBehavior(onblur) { ... }

Validation and component feedback for editable column component in table/list

2009-07-11 Thread Kenneth NA
I am a new user of wicket and I have been experimenting the last days. I am trying to migrate an existing JSP applikation to wicket. I now have a problem with feedback and validation error display. In the existing applikation, the validation errors are display next to the fields,