perhaps you're updating the wrong row. Delay the search for the parent
until you need it:
//change event
txt.add(new AjaxFormComponentUpdatingBehavior("change") {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1654345477970524731L;
protected void onUpdate(AjaxRequestTarge
2) Yes, the target.add(row) is on the callback from the modalWindow.
3) yes, I need to update the other values after user leaves the input, I
don't want immediate changes after each character change.
While in debug mode, I can see the change event being called, and the all
the values set to
usually you would have a callback on your popup, that is called when the
it closes. This would be the time to update the edited row.
the browser invokes the 'change' event only *after* leaving the input
field. You can listen for immediate changes with Wicket's
Hello, thank you for the help.
It did solve some of the situations, but not all of them.
Here is where I still face issues.
In my table row, I have an input field and a icon near it. I insert text
into input field and press the icon (AjaxLink component).
1. If data exists in the db for that input
I'm assuming you're using Ajax, so you should update the whole row after
your behavior/component has changed the field.
Each row item has to output a markup id, e.g. you can use a custom Item
subclass that calls #setOutputMarkupId(true):
protected Item newRowItem(final String id, fi