What Neel says in the previous is correct, but it doesn't answer your
question. This error is telling you that the script is having issues with
the Vivado licenses on your PC. One of the first things that the
*script does is execute *setupenv.sh *in *fpga/usrp3/top/x300*. T
Hello Steve:
In the UHD 3.14 release series, RFNoC requires the use of Xilinx Vivado
version 2017.4. In the UHD 3.15 release series, RFNoC will require the use
of Xilinx Vivado version 2018.3. Other versions of Vivado have not been
tested and are not supported. Please note that has not
Hi all,
I have been working for a long while with rfnoc on an X310.
I have lately upgraded the rfnoc, and now when I try to run
uhd_image_builder.py I receive an error indicating I need Vivado 2018.12,
while my licence is for 2018.3. Upgrading the Vivado is currently not
1. Is there a