Is it possible to build V8 with UWP (Windows Store App) support? I found a
couple of references to "winuwp" in BUILD.GN, but trying to build with
*target_os="winuwp"* produces an error:
gn gen .\v8\out\x64\UWP-Debug --args='v8_enable_i18n_support=false
is_component_build=false v8_monolithi
Contact emails ft...@chromium.org,js...@chromium.org Explainer
http://shorturl.at/adiZ4 Spec https://github.com/tc39/ecma402/pull/347 TAG
review No TAG review since the TC39 and ECMA402 will cover that. Summary
Enhance the Intl.DateTimeFormat API by adding a “ fractionalSecondDigits”
option to cont