heartbeat vs I/O Fencing
EMC = 170 odd Gig disks.
Coordinator needs 3 10mb LUNS.
I waste more space than that on storing bad jokes from email..
I/O fencing is best possible config to prevent split brain.
Low Priority is a best practice, but is still not bulletproof.
-Original Message
EMC = 170 odd Gig disks.
Coordinator needs 3 10mb LUNS.
I waste more space than that on storing bad jokes from email..
I/O fencing is best possible config to prevent split brain.
Low Priority is a best practice, but is still not bulletproof.
-Original Message-
From: Steven Sim [mai
Hello Gurus;
Firstly, I wish to thank James Senicka of Symantec for his wonderfully
fast and very technically accurate replies.
I wish all other product vendors were so efficient.
Support like this is one reason why I will continue to push VCS as a
clustering solution.
I am currently trying t