Re: [VFB] anybody up for a Hex swap?

2012-06-08 Thread haerbob3
M Subject: [VFB] anybody up for a Hex swap? Since all of this talk about Hex's got me thinking how few patterns of these you see. I used to go up to a bamboo rod makers gathering in Grayling, Michigan that had a famous hex hatch about the end of June. I won't make it up there this yea

Re: [VFB] anybody up for a Hex swap?

2012-06-08 Thread J Mck
I'd be interested but, I can not be the swap meister Jerry McKaughan P.O. Box 85 Pottsville, AR 72858 --- On Fri, 6/8/12, Scott Bearden wrote: From: Scott Bearden Subject: [VFB] anybody up for a Hex swap? To: Date: Friday, June 8, 20

Re: [VFB] anybody up for a Hex swap?

2012-06-08 Thread Sam Neusch
I would, let me know what to do or send, never swapped before. Sam Sent from my iPad On Jun 8, 2012, at 2:11 PM, Scott Bearden wrote: > Since all of this talk about Hex's got me thinking how few patterns of these > you see. I used to go up to a bamboo rod makers gathering

[VFB] anybody up for a Hex swap?

2012-06-08 Thread Scott Bearden
Since all of this talk about Hex's got me thinking how few patterns of these you see. I used to go up to a bamboo rod makers gathering in Grayling, Michigan that had a famous hex hatch about the end of June. I won't make it up there this year, but I miss seeing those enormous mayflies and the sound