'[(' doesn't work from inside string

2013-10-09 Fir de Conversatie Wiktor Ruben
Hello, The subject is self-explanatory. I use Vim 7.4.052. Steps to reproduce: vim -u NONE Enter the text below: (foo foo bar) Put cursor on the first 'foo' and try '[('. It works. Put cursor on the second foo and try '[(' once again. It still works. Let's switch to 'nocompatible' mode: :set

C-\C-O moves cursor with 'formatoptions+=r'

2013-10-07 Fir de Conversatie Wiktor Ruben
Hello, I use Vim 7.4.052. Help says that C-\C-O is like CTRL-O but don't move the cursor, but: vim -u NONE :set nocp :set ruler :set ft=cpp :set formatoptions+=r Put the text below: }Left//fooCR You should have: //foo //|} where '|' indicates cursor position. Look at the ruler, the cursor

Re: ':buffer' and command line completion inconsistent with ':ls'

2013-09-13 Fir de Conversatie Wiktor Ruben
On Wednesday, September 11, 2013 6:36:28 PM UTC+2, ZyX wrote: But let us assume for a moment that this behaviour is correct. Then:     :buffer barCTRL-D should display analogous results (because 'bar' is a substring in the absolute path for all files). That is: Not only a

':buffer' and command line completion inconsistent with ':ls'

2013-09-11 Fir de Conversatie Wiktor Ruben
Hello, I use Vim 7.4.5. Let me start with some prerequisities: ~ $ mkdir foobar ~ $ cd foobar ~/foobar $ touch foo bar baz ~/foobar $ vim -u NONE foo bar baz Now, make the observation that: :ls 1 %a foo line 1 2 bar

'nowrapscan' breaks searching within fold

2013-01-09 Fir de Conversatie Wiktor Ruben
I use Vim 7.3.715. Let's create sample fold: vim -u NONE -N :set foldmethod=marker i {{{1CR foo bar zazCR foo bar zazEscgg0za Let's try search for 'foo': '/fooCR'. Fold will open and cursor will be placed at the beginning of 'foo'. Great. Now, let's go back where we started with 'gg0', close