On Wednesday, September 11, 2013 6:36:28 PM UTC+2, ZyX wrote:
> > But let us assume for a moment that this behaviour is correct. Then:
> >
> >     :buffer bar<CTRL-D>
> >
> > should display analogous results (because 'bar' is a substring in the
> > absolute path for all files). That is:
> Not only a substring, but it also starts one component of a path. This should 
> be the reason.

Ok, it makes sense. But what about the first part of my post, before
"But let us assume for a moment that this behaviour is correct"?

There is neither buffer named '~/foobar/bar' nor '~/foobar/baz'. There
are only 'bar' and 'baz' buffers. The results returned by either ':ls'
or '<CTRL-D>' are incorrect.

It is very annoying while working with my current project. ':ls' returns
buffers names relative to the root folder of my project but '<CTRL-D>'
or 'TAB' (with 'wildmenu' enabled) sometimes (as in described scenario)
distracts me with very long, unreadable absolute paths.

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