Backspace character in insert mode only beeps on Windows

2010-01-22 Thread Foss User
I am using Vim 7.2 on Windows XP. In insert mode, when I press the backspace key to erase a character, it doesn't do so. Instead it beeps. How to behave it the way it behaves on Linux, i.e delete a character? -- You received this message from the vim_use maillist. For more information, visit

map! not working in command mode

2010-01-21 Thread Foss User
I want to use ;; instead of Esc to return to normal mode. I want ;; to work everywhere Esc works, e.g. insert mode, command mode, visual mode. So, I did these mappings: map! ;; Esc map ;; Esc But in the command mode I am having trouble. For example, if in the command I type :set list;; It

Vim plugin to maintain journal?

2010-01-20 Thread Foss User
I want to maintain a journal in a huge file. The format would be somewhat like this. * Jan 21, 2010  * 1:45 AM    * Posted this mail    * Waiting for visitors to come   * 5:50 AM    * Found a new plugin to browser directories * Jan 22, 2010 .. and so on ... So, I would want to fold lines, etc.

Re: Vim plugin to maintain journal?

2010-01-20 Thread Foss User
On Thu, Jan 21, 2010 at 2:01 AM, Dennis Benzinger wrote: Foss User wrote: I want to maintain a journal in a huge file. The format would be somewhat like this. * Jan 21, 2010  * 1:45 AM   * Posted this mail   * Waiting for visitors to come  * 5:50 AM   * Found

What is Alt-T supposed to do by default?

2010-01-18 Thread Foss User
Could you please tell me what Alt-T is supposed to do in VIM by default? It returns me to the normal mode by default. So, it behaves similar to Esc key. But I can't find this documented anywhere in :help. -- You received this message from the vim_use maillist. For more information, visit

Re: What is Alt-T supposed to do by default?

2010-01-18 Thread Foss User
of menu? On Mon, Jan 18, 2010 at 1:55 PM, bill lam wrote: lun, 18 Jan 2010, Foss User skribis: Could you please tell me what Alt-T is supposed to do in VIM by default? It returns me to the normal mode by default. So, it behaves similar to Esc key. But I can't find

Re: All indented text appears folded on opening a file. How to avoid it?

2009-03-18 Thread Foss User
How can we set zR as an autocmd? Could you please elaborate the autocmd concept? On Wed, Mar 18, 2009 at 7:52 PM, Ben Fritz wrote: The problem with both these methods (setting foldlevel or foldlevelstart to a high value) is that you can't immediately use zm to start

Anomaly in Esc behavior when map! jj Esc

2009-03-15 Thread Foss User
I launch vi. Then I type :map Esc (i.e. I type : m a p and then press the Esc key). I return from command mode to normal mode as soon as I press Esc. Now I map the 'jj' to Esc with the following command: map! jj Esc Now, I type :map jj (i.e. I type : m a p and then press j two times quickly). I

Folding should not display the first line and ... should be appended in the last unfolded line

2009-03-15 Thread Foss User
Currently my fold settings are like this in ~/.vimrc file. set foldmethod=indent set foldtext=MyFoldText() function MyFoldText() let line = getline(v:foldstart) return line . ' ...' endfunction set fillchars=fold:\ With these settings, a text like the following: 1.1 Introduction

Escaping to normal mode using map! moves the cursor to next line. Why?

2009-03-15 Thread Foss User
I have mapped ;; to Esc using :map! ;; Esc If I am in the end of line and press Esc, I escape to normal mode and the cursor stays in the last character of the line. If I am in the end of line and press ;; I escape to normal mode but the cursor moves to next line. Why?

Re: Escaping to normal mode using map! moves the cursor to next line. Why?

2009-03-15 Thread Foss User
On Mon, Mar 16, 2009 at 8:07 AM, John Little wrote: On Mar 16, 8:25 am, Foss User  wrote: I have mapped ;; to Esc using :map! ;; Esc If I am in the end of line and press Esc, I escape to normal mode and the cursor stays in the last character of the line. If I am

How do CTRL-T and CTRL-O work?

2009-03-11 Thread Foss User
I read the documentation. CTRL-O behavior seemed to be pretty clear. But, I am unable to understand the CTRL-O behavior. Here is what I did after launching vim. :help /bars CTRL-] 5k CTRL-] /Vim (takes the cursor to VimEnter) CTRL-] /dying CTRL-] Now I start going back but notice I mix CTRL-O