ubject: RE: A question about default mail app on IOS 10, & some thoughts.
Correct, and it is not device specific. There is a delete all option after you
tap on Edit in the trash folder.
-Original Message-
From: viphone@googlegroups.com [mailto:viphone@googlegroups.com] On Behalf O
Subject: Re: A question about default mail app on IOS 10, & some thoughts.
The only delete all I have ever seen since several iOS versions back is in the
trash folder, and it is still there.
I've never found a delete all in the native mail inbox.
"I'll be more
That, or I have forgotten. I have had the iPod Touch 3rd, 5th, and 6th
generation and the iPhone 5s.
So, probably my mistake.
There has always been the ability to delete all in the trash folder, but I
could only delete all in the in box by selecting each email then deleting them
once they were
Adding to what I said in my other reply, to Richard, you are right. There was A
delete all option in the trash, but there is no trash all/move all/archive all
option anywhere else, like there used to be in iOS 9.3.5. So interesting.
Sent from my iPod
> On Mar 11, 2017, at 5:25 AM, Richard Turne
Hmmm. That is quite interesting, as I see it everywhere in The native mail app
here on my iPod fifth generation, running iOS 9.3.5, which I believe is the
latest version of iOS 9. But I never see it on any iOS 10 versions. So I don't
know, maybe it is due to my 5S being older? I will have to see
The only delete all I have ever seen since several iOS versions back is in the
trash folder, and it is still there.
I've never found a delete all in the native mail inbox.
"I'll be more enthusiastic about encouraging thinking outside the box when
there's evidence of any thinking going
Good day all,
Michelle would like to add her email accounts to the iPhone 6 Plus, that she
received from my mother, but currently, we see a problem, which is preventing
her from doing so.
On my iPhone 5s running the latest version of iOS 10, I noticed the
trash/delete/archive/move all options