I can tell about my experience with external bluetooth kbd.
My apple wireless keyboard has one important problem: the ctrl key doesn’t mete
the voice. Oteher function seem to work properly.
I have 2 minikbd, one bought in a chinese shop, and an other one bought on
The first problem is
I'd suggest referring to a page like http://www.hllf.net/70 to see the
list of VoiceOver commands you can simulate with a bluetooth keyboard.
In my experience, there's no issue with responsiveness or typing lag.
On 11/06/2013 01:56 AM, Tristan wrote:
I just purchased a mini bluetooth ke
I am finding that I use the Amazon blue tooth keyboard more than I ever thought
I would. I bought it to deal with my husband's iPad but am finding it
extremely useful to deal with email on my iPhone. I am away from home this week
and have no Internet so it is wonderful to handle all my email wi
I just purchased a mini bluetooth keyboard on Amazon. It was reather
cheap, but seemed to be quite efficient. I am wondering what other
people's views are on using an external keyboard, and if anyone has
any useful pointers. I'm also concerned about what the response time
and typing lag will