[Vo]:More details about the Higgs field.

2019-08-07 Thread Axil Axil
The discovery of the Higgs field has added even more layers of complexity to our understanding of the nature in the way fundamental particles behave. The mechanism that gives particles mass is a continuing transformation of a particle with its anti-polar opposite particle. For example, the ele

Re: [Vo]:FW: coherent system energy states

2019-08-07 Thread Andrew Meulenberg
If my model of the neutrino is correct, then neutrinos have low probability of interacting with non-relativistic charges. If my model of quarks is correct, then they are composed of relativistic charges. Nevertheless. there is still the problem of frequency differences between neutrinos and the qua

RE: [Vo]:FW: coherent system energy states

2019-08-07 Thread JonesBeene
Andrew, Bob A good paper on this subject (longitudinal waves) is “Unravelling the potentials puzzle and corresponding case for the scalar longitudinal electrodynamic wave” Donald Reed 2019 J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 1251 012043 Reed does not make the scalar to neutrino connection, which seems to se

Re: [Vo]:FW: coherent system energy states

2019-08-07 Thread Jürg Wyttenbach
We very well know from experiments that the interaction of neutrinos with dense mass is close to zero. If you now postulate the opposite you have also to show why the experiments are wrong. On the other side it is obvious why the standard model fails to describe the neutrino, because it still