Andrew, Bob

A good paper on this subject (longitudinal waves)  is
“Unravelling the potentials puzzle and corresponding case for the scalar 
longitudinal electrodynamic wave”
Donald Reed 2019 J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 1251 012043

Reed does not make the scalar to  neutrino connection, which  seems to serve 
the same purposes, which is to explore the line between what is real and what 
seems real because it balances equations.

The best thing one can say about QM is that it lends physical credulity to an 
imaginary world… but then again, what is real?

From: Andrew Meulenberg

…. At the short distance of deep-orbits from the nucleus, the neutrino 
(considered to be similar to photons) would be in the "longitudinal photon" mode

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