Hi Alastair,

Thanks to you and other WAMUG list members who have signed up via my link (I
won't thank you all individually!)

I can't say that I've noticed this - but then again I possibly haven't been
constantly working on and saving a file in Dropbox.

I guess I use it more for 2 features:

- Keeping the same files in sync on several computers.
- As an off-site back-up if I lost my primary & secondary back-up (Time
machine & superduper) in the event of fire/theft.

I guess, if found I had your problem I would just temporarily quit Dropbox
(from the menubox icon). Dropbox is in my "login Items" so it will restart
when I next login (or you can re-start at any time by opening the app in the
"Applications Folder").

Of course, if you do that, it's not constantly backing-up as you work (until
you re-start it) - but then isn't that what time machine is for? (and
Command-S as you go).

Any other Dropboxers find this a problem or have found a solution?


Neil R. Houghton
Albany, Western Australia
Tel: +61 8 9841 6063
Email: n...@possumology.com

on 10/5/10 8:18 PM, mince and pud at minceand...@goatpix.com wrote:

> Hi Neil
> Thanks for the mention of dropbox - it seems a useful thing so I
> downloaded (no need to thank me for the 250mb) and plonked the file
> i'm working on in the dropbox folder so it can keep backing itself up.  .
> But does anyone know how to stop it bringing the finder to the front
> every time I save, and it backs up? Tried forums and a couple of bods
> have the same complaint but no solution.
> Really annoying and it's going in the bin if I can't fix it.
> You can keep the 250 though!
> best
> alastair
> On 08/05/2010, at 12:42 PM, Neil Houghton wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I recently set-up a free Dropbox account and was amazed at how easy
>> and user-friendly it all was.
>> A free account gives you up to 2GB of space - but you can get more
>> with referrals.
>> So, if anyone was thinking of opening an account, YOU can get an
>> extra free 250 MB - AND get ME an extra free 250 MB :o) if you use
>> this link to sign-up:
>> <https://www.dropbox.com/referrals/NTY2NjA1NDM5>
>> Cheers
>> Neil
>> -- 
>> Neil R. Houghton
>> Albany, Western Australia
>> Tel: +61 8 9841 6063
>> Email: n...@possumology.com
>> PS:
>> For anyone not familiar with Dropbox, it is similar to (though not
>> the same as) the MobileMe iDisk. MobileMe, of course gives you other
>> feature and more storage space - but you have to pay for it, whereas
>> Dropbox gives you 2GB (2.25 if you use my link) for free. From their
>> website:
>>> Dropbox Features
>>> File Sync
>>> Dropbox allows you to sync your files online and across your
>>> computers automatically.
>>>     * 2GB of online storage for free, with up to 100GB available to
>>> paying customers.
>>>     * Sync files of any size or type.
>>>     * Sync Windows, Mac and Linux computers.
>>>     * Automatically syncs when new files or changes are detected.
>>>     * Work on files in your Dropbox even if you're offline. Your
>>> changes sync once your computer has an Internet connection again.
>>>     * Dropbox transfers will correctly resume where they left off
>>> if the connection drops.
>>>     * Efficient sync - only the pieces of a file that changed (not
>>> the whole file) are synced. This saves you time.
>>>     * Doesn't hog your Internet connection. You can manually set
>>> bandwidth limits.
>>> File Sharing
>>> Sharing files is simple and can be done with only a few clicks.
>>>     * Shared folders allow several people to collaborate on a set
>>> of files.
>>>     * You can see other people's changes instantly.
>>>     * A "Public" folder that lets you link directly to files in
>>> your Dropbox.
>>>     * Control who is able to access shared folders (including
>>> ability to kick people out and remove the shared files from their
>>> computers).
>>>     * Automatically create shareable online photo galleries from
>>> folders of photos in your Dropbox.
>>> Online Backup
>>> Dropbox backs up your files online without you having to think
>>> about it.
>>>     * Automatic backup of your files.
>>>     * Undelete files and folders.
>>>     * Restore previous versions of your files.
>>>     * 30 days of undo history, with unlimited undo available as a
>>> paid option.
>>> Web Access
>>> A copy of your files are stored on Dropbox's secure servers. This
>>> lets you access them from any computer or mobile device.
>>>     * Manipulate files as you would on your desktop - add, edit,
>>> delete, rename etc.
>>>     * Search your entire Dropbox for files.
>>>     * A "Recent Events" feed that shows you a summary of activity
>>> in your Dropbox.
>>>     * Create shared folders and invite people to them.
>>>     * Recover previous versions of any file or undelete deleted
>>> files.
>>>     * View photo galleries created automatically from photos in
>>> your Dropbox.
>>> Security & Privacy
>>> Dropbox takes the security and privacy of your files very seriously.
>>>     * Shared folders are viewable only by people you invite.
>>>     * All transmission of file data and metadata occurs over an
>>> encrypted channel (SSL).
>>>     * All files stored on Dropbox servers are encrypted (AES-256)
>>> and are inaccessible without your account password.
>>>     * Dropbox website and client software have been hardened
>>> against attacks from hackers.
>>>     * Dropbox employees are not able to view any user's files.
>>>     * Online access to your files requires your username and
>>> password.
>>>     * Public files are only viewable by people who have a link to
>>> the file(s). Public folders are not browsable or searchable.
>>> Mobile Device Access
>>> The free Dropbox iPhone app lets you:
>>>     * Access your Dropbox on the go.
>>>     * View your files on your iPhone or iPod Touch.
>>>     * Download files for offline viewing.
>>>     * Take photos and videos and sync them to your Dropbox.
>>>     * Share links to files in your Dropbox.
>>>     * View interactive photo galleries.
>>>     * Sync downloaded files so they're up-to-date.
>>> A mobile-optimized version of the website is available for owners
>>> of Blackberry phones and other Internet-capable mobile devices.

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