Andy's Address

2010-08-09 Thread Harry Brewbaker
One reason for the differences in Andy's address may have been that different writers wrote different episodes.  They were just looking for a generic number and street name.  There is also a fact that I have mentioned here before.  Fifty years ago when they were making TAGS, they had no

Andy's Address and Season 2 DVD

2010-08-09 Thread Jessica Banzhoff
Hi everyone, I was just wondering how many times Andy's address was stated during the whole show? There are 3 times I can remember off the top of my head-and they are all different. In "Barney's Sidecar", when Opie is using his woodburning set, he is burning the house n

Andy's address

2006-10-07 Thread Fgfrankling
Hey to you'all If''n I weren't so lazy I'd look it up, but on the subject of the Taylor's address, What was the number little Opie was burning onto the front of their house??? If you burn it on, then nobody can steal your house number!!! LOL You'all Have a Mayberry Day! Danna In Indiana