Re: [Wicket-user] how to detect http session expiry - timeout due to no user activity

2007-06-18 Thread Harald Gruber
you could write a HttpSessionListener: in your WEB-INF: listener /listener class: public class SessionObserver implements HttpSessionListener { private static final Log LOG =

Re: [Wicket-user] how to detect http session expiry - timeout due to no user activity

2007-06-18 Thread Harald Gruber
wicket21 schrieb: I was looking for a wicket solution, but this is not a bad idea. I will try this later on today and see how it goes (it does seem straightforward enough...) probably you can implement the HttpSessionListener interface in your wicket application and install it

Re: [Wicket-user] how to detect http session expiry - timeout due to no user activity

2007-06-18 Thread Harald Gruber
Eelco Hillenius schrieb: That won't solve your problem though. You'd get the same kind of call back as you would get by overriding onUnbind in a custom session store. It won't do anything for catching the event that a user closes a browser without properly logging out. those methods are

Re: [Wicket-user] how to detect http session expiry - timeout due to no user activity

2007-06-18 Thread Harald Gruber
Yes, and the same happens for AbstractHttpSessionStore#onUnbind ok, admit, i didnt check the source code of AbstractHttpSessionStore ;-) so i guess, that's what he needs... - This email is sponsored by DB2 Express

Re: [Wicket-user] how to detect http session expiry - timeout due to no user activity

2007-06-18 Thread Harald Gruber
though it implements the HttpSessionBindingListener and not the HttpSessionListener. i guess the difference between both ist, that the binding listener only realizes and observes which values of the session are bound and the session listener recognizes if a session itself is created or

[Wicket-user] how can i tell components to refresh model objects...

2007-06-05 Thread Harald Gruber
hi all, i got some sort of crud page consisting of a listview and a detailview for my objects. depending on a stateflag either the listview is shown or the detailview. the detailview contains an addresspanel (textfields for my properties, which use propertymodels to get the fieldvalues).

Re: [Wicket-user] how can i tell components to refresh model objects...

2007-06-05 Thread Harald Gruber
hi, i traced a bit by adding protected void onComponentTag(final ComponentTag tag) { System.out.println(ADRESSPANEL + getModel()); this.visitChildren(new IVisitor() { public Object component(Component component)

Re: [Wicket-user] how can i tell components to refresh model objects...

2007-06-05 Thread Harald Gruber
Martijn Dashorst schrieb: Are there any validation errors? no -harald - This email is sponsored by DB2 Express Download DB2 Express C - the FREE version of DB2 express and take control of your XML. No limits. Just

Re: [Wicket-user] how can i tell components to refresh model objects...

2007-06-05 Thread Harald Gruber
ok, i got a workaround..if i replace my addresspanel in my onEditAction() method with a new one, it works. though it would be interesting, why the fieldvalues didnt get updated on modelobject change. -harald - This

Re: [Wicket-user] wicket - Load the pdf file after onSubmit

2007-05-24 Thread Harald Gruber
try this... public void onSubmit() { File file = generatePdfReport(); ResourceStreamRequestTarget target = new ResourceStreamRequestTarget(new FileResourceStream(new org.apache.wicket.util.file.File(file))); target.setFileName(Filename.pdf);

Re: [Wicket-user] wicket - Load the pdf file after onSubmit

2007-05-24 Thread Harald Gruber
kenixwong schrieb: Ignore the previous question The 2 line is generate the report in pdf format. Yeah, it success. Then come to the 3rd line, it prompt me Null Value. SO, it that mean cant read the pdf file and then display it into the browser ? 3System.out.println(file =

Re: [Wicket-user] Best way to insert inline Javascript

2007-05-23 Thread Harald Gruber
you could implement it as behavior and just add it to the dropdown... have a look at my example. the javascript is composed and written in the onRendered method so its written out right after the component. harald example --- import org.apache.wicket.Component; import

[Wicket-user] Feedbackmessages: extend by new type ALERT ?

2007-05-22 Thread Harald Gruber
hi all, i was just wondering, if other users might have thought about the usefulness of extending FeedbackMessages by a new type ALERT (and the according classes (Component.alert(message)...). The reason for this would be, to provide the user special feedback shown through a javascript alert

[Wicket-user] Strange WicketNotSerializableException for NavigatorLabel

2007-05-21 Thread Harald Gruber
hi all, i got a WicketNotSerializableException since today. does anybody else have those exceptions?$WicketNotSerializableException: Unable to serialize class:$1 i'm

Re: [Wicket-user] Flexible markup with same Java classes

2007-03-26 Thread Harald Gruber
I want to be able to have the flexibility to leave the header out in certain markup variations without wicket generating an error because the page tries to add the header component. guess in your base webpage you should fill the header-div/span with a default WebMarkupContainer ( add(new

Re: [Wicket-user] locale filtering

2007-03-25 Thread Harald Gruber
dont know, if its the best way, but i set the locale in my session constructor: public MyWebSession(...) { super(application, request); if (!WebApp.SUPPORTEDLOCALES_LIST.contains(getLocale())) { setLocale(WebApp.DEFAULT_LOCALE); log.debug(Setting

Re: [Wicket-user] Reverting the constructor change of 2.0

2007-03-14 Thread Harald Gruber
hi, i came over from another framework to wicket because i didnt like the api change with every release there and liked the way wicket does things. first i was not sure which version of wicket to use and read the mailing list and found out, that 2.0 suits best to me. after starting 2 bigger

Re: [Wicket-user] IMPORTANT: your opinion on the constructor change in 2.0

2007-03-07 Thread Harald Gruber
is there a deadline for making the decision whether to keep 2.0 as it is or go back to 1.3? i am working on two projects which will go into production in the next few weeks. guess the major work downgrading to 1.x is the lack of generics, which i found out to be very useful. cheers, h.

[Wicket-user] wicket 2.0: setting default locale

2007-02-21 Thread Harald Gruber
hi all, any ideas how to set a default locale for sessions (wicket 2.0 snapshot)? i support only a limited amount of locales in my app and need to get some localized data from my database using the sessions locale. my first thought was to set the locale in my websession's constructor. but it