Re: [Wien] Wien2k OPTIC crashing for XMCD calculation

2015-05-18 Thread Gavin Abo
In the runsp_lapw script of WIEN2k 14.2, there is: lcore: ... total_execlcore -up #line 738 ... total_execlcore -dn #line 742 Since total_exec calls teststop when lcore -up finishes, I think it never continues with lcore -dn. Any ideas on how to best fix it so that x lcore -dn does

[Wien] w2web optic spin polarized outputjointup / dn

2015-05-18 Thread Gavin Abo
In w2web of WIEN2k 14.2,to view case.outputjointup and case.outputjointdn for a spin polarized optic calculation, try: a) Replacing all occurences of $CASE.outputjoint with $CASE.outputjoint$spin in $WIENROOT/SRC_w2web/htdocs/exec/ or b) Apply optic.patch. 1. To get optic.patch,

Re: [Wien] Adding excitonic effects

2015-05-16 Thread Gavin Abo
FYI, there is a separate BSE code for WIEN2k called BSE@WIEN2k. It seems to require a cluster with hundreds of cores and a large amount of memory as described on slide 23 in the document at: It cannot be

Re: [Wien] Wien2k OPTIC crashing for XMCD calculation

2015-05-15 Thread Gavin Abo
!! Am 15.05.2015 um 09:01 schrieb Santu Baidya: Dear Prof. Blaha,Gavin Abo andXavier Rocquefelte*,* ** Thank you for your suggestions. As you see from my previous mail I first did GGA+U+SO calculation for XMCD of Co L23 edge. It did not work and I moved to GGA+U cal. I first did scf calculation

Re: [Wien] complex

2015-05-10 Thread Gavin Abo
Yes, the x_lapw script automatically detects whether to use -c or not. So for any subroutine that you call with 'x' in front of it like 'x lapw2' [ ]. On 5/10/2015 8:19 PM, Yundi Quan wrote: Hi, For crystal

Re: [Wien] error in uplapw1.error file

2015-05-10 Thread Gavin Abo
Your scf calculation is probably non-complex, so you have to remove the '-c'. On 5/10/2015 10:24 AM, saurabh samant wrote: Dear WIEN2k users, I am doing a spin-polarized mBJ calculation with SO as given in UG. After the calculation converged successfully, I was trying to plot the

Re: [Wien] why LAPW2 does not need case.vectorsodn file?

2015-05-08 Thread Gavin Abo
For a non-spin polarized spin-orbit calculation (run_lapw -so), lapw2 should read one file case.vectorso. So you do not need case.vectorsodn. For a spin polarized spin-orbit calculation (runsp_lapw -so), lapw2 should read two files case.vectorsoup and case.vectorsodn. So you do need

Re: [Wien] Error in mpi+k point parallelization across multiple nodes

2015-05-06 Thread Gavin Abo
Ok, now it is clear that there is no additional error messages. Unfortunately, I cannot tell specifically what went wrong from those error messages. You might try replacing mpirun with mpirun_rsh. As you can see at

Re: [Wien] Error in mpi+k point parallelization across multiple nodes

2015-05-06 Thread Gavin Abo
See below for my comments. Thanks for all the information and suggestions. I have tried to change -lmkl_blacs_intelmpi_lp64 to -lmkl_blacs_lp64 and recompile. However, I got the following error message in the screen output LAPW0 END [cli_14]: [cli_15]: [cli_6]: aborting job: Fatal error

Re: [Wien] trouble with generating rxesw file

2015-05-05 Thread Gavin Abo
First, I suggest that you upgrade to WIEN2k 14.2, because some updates have been made to SRC_tetra [ , (patch to only WIEN2k 14.1?)]. Second, this might be due to a bug in

Re: [Wien] Error in mpi+k point parallelization across multiple nodes

2015-05-04 Thread Gavin Abo
On page 131 in the User's Guide for Intel mkl 11.1 for Linux [ ], it has: = LP64 version of BLACS routines for Intel MPI and MPICH2 So -lmkl_blacs_intelmpi_lp64 might also work with MPICH2. From the compile

Re: [Wien] Discrepancy between DoS plot and bandstructure plot for position of fermi level

2015-04-28 Thread Gavin Abo
Remove -orb from the 'x lapw1' steps: On 4/28/2015 11:44 AM,

Re: [Wien] a rhombohedral structure

2015-04-27 Thread Gavin Abo
1) Go to: 2) Put 167 in the box and click ITA Settings 3) Click the R-3c :r link 4) In the table, you should see 12c (0,0,z) for the hexagonal setting and 12c (z,z,z) for the rhombohedral setting. Your In atomic position appears to be in the

Re: [Wien] query about unmodified BJ potential

2015-04-25 Thread Gavin Abo
I am doing mBJ calculation for a ternary semiconductor. There are four options for different parametrization of mBJ: 0: Original. 1: New parametrization (Koller. 2: New parametrization for semiconductors 3: Unmodified BJ potential (Backe.)

Re: [Wien] Fermi level

2015-04-20 Thread Gavin Abo
Links to the other details: Fermi Energy Ecut

Re: [Wien] w2web is not running??

2015-04-16 Thread Gavin Abo
The problem might have been caused by using a special character in the base directory where WIEN2k was installed, for example: /home/username/$WIEN2k After a) reinstalling WIEN2k in a directory without the special character ($), like /home/username/WIEN2k, and b) fixing the WIEN2k .bashrc

Re: [Wien] W2web is not running?????

2015-04-15 Thread Gavin Abo
In SRC_w2web/bin/w2web on line 656, I suggest that you use a text editor to change Failed to open file to Failed to open file $full. By adding $full, it might output in the error message what file it cannot open. After saving the change to the w2web file, you will need to kill all running

Re: [Wien] error in monoclinic optimization

2015-04-08 Thread Gavin Abo
For option 7 with 15 structures and 1% change during x optimize on the initial struct file that you provided, the TlSbSe2_mon__11.0.struct does not pass x nn as the struct file has a multiplicity problem (Mult not equal): username@computername:~/wiendata/TlSbSe2$ mkdir TlSbSe2_mon__11.0

Re: [Wien] C2/m (#SG 12) space group structure

2015-04-08 Thread Gavin Abo
I think your struct file will be okay if you select for the lattice in StructGen spacegroup 12_B2/m instead of CXZ, and of course, use setrmt again after changing to 12_B2/m. Sure, you should be able to specify 'all' the atomic positions in the general CXZ lattice to get the same structure.

[Wien] Free Intel Software Development Tools

2015-04-07 Thread Gavin Abo
FYI, it looks like Intel is offering free software development tools again for certain qualified uses. More information can be found at: ___ Wien mailing list

Re: [Wien] x symmetry problem

2015-04-04 Thread Gavin Abo
If you search the mailing list archive, you should find that the error is commonly caused by rounding problems in the atomic positions: If you

Re: [Wien] Error message during scf calculation

2015-03-26 Thread Gavin Abo
Sorry, in siteconfig, add to the end of your Compiler options: -I/opt/intel/composer_xe_2013.0.079/mkl/include - I found in at least one module that is needed earlier in the compile stage:

Re: [Wien] Error message during scf calculation

2015-03-26 Thread Gavin Abo
Good, that means that the file exists and can be opened. However, I don't know why you still have the error that it cannot open the file, when it can be opened. The only things I can currently think of that could cause that are: a) When you added the -I line in siteconfig to the

Re: [Wien] Error message during scf calculation

2015-03-25 Thread Gavin Abo
Have you tried adding -I/opt/intel/composer_xe_2013.0.079/mkl/include after $(FOPT) in the Linker Flags? Also, see the post at the link: On 3/25/2015 7:43 AM, farouk boutaiba wrote: I have used wien2k 2014, but

Re: [Wien] Error message during scf calculation

2015-03-25 Thread Gavin Abo
In the same terminal that you use to run siteconfig, what do you get as output when you enter: head -n 1 /opt/intel/composer_xe_2013.0.079/mkl/include/ On 3/25/2015 12:01 PM, farouk boutaiba wrote: I have change -L to -Ias you told me -I/opt/intel/composer_xe_2013.0.079/mkl/include

Re: [Wien] Error message during scf calculation

2015-03-24 Thread Gavin Abo
This might be due to the blocksize bug. The blocksize bug can be fixed by using the current 2014 version of WIEN2k, which is 14.2. On 3/24/2015 7:39 AM, farouk boutaiba wrote: Dear members After compilation of wien2k 2010, i tried to run SCF cycle with binary GaAs compound. But it doesn't

Re: [Wien] Error message during compilation

2015-03-23 Thread Gavin Abo
Look at the compile.msg file in SRC_lapw0 with a text editor. It will probably contain additional error information on why your gcc failed to compile the C source code into the object files (cputim.o and W2kutils.o). Also, I suggest that you download and install the current WIEN2k version.

Re: [Wien] (no subject)

2015-03-08 Thread Gavin Abo
Search the archive: On 3/8/2015 1:53 AM, Qasim Mahmood wrote: Dear Wien2k Users, I am working on alloys under pressure study during run SCF following error occur. what should I do? FORTRAN STOP FERMI -

Re: [Wien] Boltztrap for spin polarized materials

2015-03-08 Thread Gavin Abo
In a terminal, run: path-to-BoltzTraP/src/x_trans -h BoltzTraP Change path-to-BoltzTraP to where BoltzTraP is located on your system. For example, path-to-BoltzTraP on my system is ~/boltztrap-1.2.5: ~/boltztrap-1.2.5/src/x_trans -h BoltzTraP In the output, you should see that you need the

Re: [Wien] Best RKmax

2015-03-06 Thread Gavin Abo
A comment: I'm not familiar with your increase RKmax until the energy start to increase again. From what I have seen or read, you want to increase RKmax until the parameter you are interested in has converged. That parameter might be total energy, EEL spectrum intensity, or another

Re: [Wien] Problems with parallel hybrid functional calculation

2015-03-03 Thread Gavin Abo
I think you need to be concerned about the first error: mv: cannot stat `aCGT.vector': No such file or directory The other errors probably just follow because of it. What WIEN2k version are you using? I remember seeing almost the same sequence of errors before because of how the SCRATCH

Re: [Wien] semicore band-ranges too large problem

2015-03-02 Thread Gavin Abo
I think the parameters for the 141_I41/amd spacegroup in WIEN2k need to be in the origin 2 setting, but it looks like you have entered them in the origin 1 setting. You can use Bilbao Crystallographic Server's SETSTRU [ ] or program like VESTA [

Re: [Wien] [SPAM?] Re: k point parallel calculations

2015-02-24 Thread Gavin Abo
In addition: Did you setup and run the calculation from scratch for each WIEN2k version in its own directory? It is usually not a good idea to mix initialization and run of a calculation in a single directory with different WIEN2k versions. In WIEN2k 12/13, I believe the exchange and

Re: [Wien] BoltzTraP

2015-02-13 Thread Gavin Abo
1) Download BoltzTraP.tar.bz2 from 2) Change to and extract it in your home directory in a terminal with the two commands: cd ~ tar xvf BoltzTraP.tar.bz2 3) Edit the Makefile in a text editor like gedit; in the terminal, for example, with the two

Re: [Wien] Intel ifort compiler non-commercial version

2015-02-12 Thread Gavin Abo
, February 12, 2015 11:13 PM, Gavin Abo wrote: You are correct, there are no longer free non-commercial licenses for Intel's ifort, because too many people were not adhering to the non-commercial licensing terms [

Re: [Wien] Intel ifort compiler non-commercial version

2015-02-12 Thread Gavin Abo
You are correct, there are no longer free non-commercial licenses for Intel's ifort, because too many people were not adhering to the non-commercial licensing terms [ ]. If you have not used the latest ifort version before, you should be

Re: [Wien] mBj error

2015-02-06 Thread Gavin Abo
In the WIEN2k directory SRC_lapw0, there should be a file called lapw0.F. You have to open the file in a text editor. Then, you need to find line 1831, which should have on that line: READ(11,'(1X,,I10)') NKKSP You need to replace (1X,,I10) with (9X,I10) in that

Re: [Wien] Issue with wien2k + xcrysden

2015-02-06 Thread Gavin Abo
Did you set XCRYSDEN_TOPDIR and included it in the PATH in .bashrc [ ]? To help set the variables automatically, you can run the of XCrySDen (in the scripts folder for version 1.5.60). However, it

Re: [Wien] Need help - Installation steps for BoltzTraP

2015-01-22 Thread Gavin Abo
It does sound like a problem with the setting of the environment. You should consult your operating system documentation on how to set the environment so that it can find the on your system. Usually, that involves setting an environmental variable in .bashrc or setting a

Re: [Wien] Spin Orbit calculation

2015-01-22 Thread Gavin Abo
Hard to know what is causing the problem with the given information. Probably, there is still not enough information provided. Maybe there is a more detailed error message in the lapwso.error file or you might have to run directly x lapwso -up -p in a terminal (if you are allowed to, or

Re: [Wien] nickel nanoparticles DOS calculation

2015-01-22 Thread Gavin Abo
As far as I know, it is not possible to calculate a single Ni atom having no crystal structure (no lattice parameters/spacegroup) with WIEN2k, because WIEN2k is a 'periodic' structure code. I think you must have a lattice parameter to describe the distance between atoms (the periodicity of the

Re: [Wien] Error - Missing Header

2015-01-19 Thread Gavin Abo
The w2web and change.cgi files look fine. The solution to that error before was to install fresh WIEN2k again (in particular, SRC_w2web), because something in SRC_w2web was broken [ ]. Also, it is recommended to get

Re: [Wien] Error in compiling mpi-parallel version

2015-01-09 Thread Gavin Abo
First, the latest WIEN2k version (14.2) removed some bugs in 14.1 [ ]; so it is quite recommended to not use 14.1. Second, the error you are getting might be because the fftw3-mpi.f03 in SRC_lapw0 is probably still for version 3.3.2 of fftw3. There are

Re: [Wien] Error while running +/- 0.5e calculation

2015-01-05 Thread Gavin Abo
The default energy convergence criteria value for runsp_lapw should be the same as for run_lapw, which is 0.0001 Ry as given on page 60 in the WIEN2k 14.2 usersguide [ ]. However, if you are concerned about what it is, you can specify what

Re: [Wien] Error while running +/- 0.5e calculation

2015-01-04 Thread Gavin Abo
Probably, you cannot get the 'same' result (just something close to it). Madsen and Novak got F_eff = 0.438 Ry [ ]. However, keep in mind that they wrote this document in 2007, so the calculation was likely with a WIEN2k version 7 or 8

Re: [Wien] Error while running +/- 0.5e calculation

2015-01-03 Thread Gavin Abo
See the description for NO ENERGY LIMITS FOUND IN SELECT in section 12 Trouble shooting of the WIEN2k usersguide [ ]. As it says, the SELECT error has probably happened because your input is not ok (like the input files case.struct and

Re: [Wien] How to set the d orbitals to do calculation with LDA+U

2014-12-27 Thread Gavin Abo
lorb = 2 in case.inorb and l = 2 in case.indm [1-3] [1] [2] [3] For additional information on case.inorb and case.indm, see section 7.3.3 Input and

Re: [Wien] error in x optic -so

2014-12-27 Thread Gavin Abo
/I calculated x lapw 2 -fermi -so and this step was without any error/ = Seems to be a non-parallel calculation (no -p). So your optic step likely needs to be non-parallel (x optic -so). If that is not the cause of the error, then it might be due to a wrong case.inop or case.vectorso file [

Re: [Wien] Problem at dstart

2014-12-09 Thread Gavin Abo
For space group 227_Fd-3m, you need to enter the structure parameters in the Origin 2 setting, but it looks like you might have entered them in the Origin 1 setting [ ]. On 12/9/2014 7:14 PM, bayarr temuujin wrote:

Re: [Wien] dstart.error

2014-12-01 Thread Gavin Abo
Are there any WARNING messages when you run 'x nn' on the supercell? On 12/1/2014 3:58 PM, Sayah Jamal wrote: Dear Peter Blaha I mad SUPERCELL Li0,5TiO2 and When I try to run the x dstart

Re: [Wien] The number of atoms in antiferromagnetic calculation

2014-11-29 Thread Gavin Abo
In StructGen, if you select space group R with a=5.572783 b=5.572783 c=27.300952 (in bohr) alpha=90 beta=90 gamma=120 Ni1 (0,0,0) Ni2 (0.5,0.5,0.5) O (0.25,0.25,0.25) O (0.75,0.75,0.75) you should get a WARNING: Mult not equal. PLEASE CHECK outpunn-file when you run x nn in w2web.

Re: [Wien] The number of atoms in antiferromagnetic calculation

2014-11-27 Thread Gavin Abo
I guess you mean the AFM NiO struct files at: [1] [2] Of course, it should be better to use the struct file at [1] with space group

Re: [Wien] Error in LAPW2

2014-11-19 Thread Gavin Abo
Summary of possible causes and solutions: a) Something went wrong previously (wrong input, diverging scf) -- no reasonable eigenvalues - b) NUME is too small. Increase NUME and recompile. Also, check about

Re: [Wien] effective masse

2014-11-18 Thread Gavin Abo
I haven't calculated the effective mass with WIEN2k, but my current understanding is as follows. One method used to calculate the effective mass is the parabolic approximation method. You can probably find this method described in semiconductor physics or solid state physics textbooks. I

Re: [Wien] (no subject)

2014-11-16 Thread Gavin Abo
Did you upgrade your WIEN2k to the latest version (currently, 14.2) and run the calculation again from scratch? If you are using an old version (like 11 in your email below), there were bugs in the older versions that might cause that error. So you might not have that error with the latest

Re: [Wien] relaxation

2014-11-11 Thread Gavin Abo
Probably nobody can help, unless you provide your case.struct file. More than likely, the errors are caused by a problem with your case.struct. On 11/11/2014 1:16 AM, Mona Rahimian wrote: hi friend I do your suggestions, but I have same errors. in your openion , what should I do?*:( sad --

Re: [Wien] relaxation

2014-11-10 Thread Gavin Abo
case.inst not consistent with Z can happen if one or more of your Z values in your struct file are not correct. In StructGen, the element name of an atom should match with the atomic number (Z) like in the periodic table. An easy way to correct this is to delete all the values in the Z boxes

Re: [Wien] lapw2 error

2014-10-30 Thread Gavin Abo
I don't see a save_lapw step between runsp_lapw -p and initso_lapw [ ]. Without save_lapw, maybe there is some mixing of non-SO and SO files that lead to the error, because when I started with just your struct file

Re: [Wien] mBJ

2014-10-30 Thread Gavin Abo
I think that error typically happens when users try to enter exactly the command in the usersguide: cp $WIENROOT/SRC_templates/case.inm_vresp case.inm_vresp However, 'case' is only a general placeholder, and you need to replace 'case' with the actual name of your calculation [

Re: [Wien] _nb in dscgst.F 256 128

2014-10-29 Thread Gavin Abo
Not a problem []. However, if you use the latest Wien2k version (14.2), it looks like it has been fixed so that the message is not printed. On 10/29/2014 12:36 AM, mouhamed mahdi wrote: Dear prof. Blaha Dear wien2k

[Wien] w2web rhomb_in5 description

2014-10-27 Thread Gavin Abo
Dear Prof. Blaha, When you have a chance, can you have a look at the sentence regarding rhomb_in5 on page 155 of the Wien2k 14.2 usersguide: /You can find this programusing Run Programs - Other Goodies from *w2web*.// / I believe it is remnant of WIEN in a box like hex2rhomb was [

Re: [Wien] DOS-SO

2014-10-26 Thread Gavin Abo
Most likely, you need to do the x lapw1 [-up | -dn] steps shown in w2web before running x lapw2 -qtl [-up | -dn] -so [ ]. On 10/26/2014 5:18 PM, Mohammed Abujafar wrote: Dear WIEN2k Users, I have calculated the band

Re: [Wien] case.outpunn system error

2014-10-24 Thread Gavin Abo
You should run 'x nn' without any errors first. On 10/24/2014 9:33 AM, Mohammed Abujafar wrote: Dear WIEN2k users, I have compiled the latest version of WIEN2k-14 on a Mac Os X 10.6.8. No errors in the compilation.I got an error while running the interface when I try to view outputnn.I got

Re: [Wien] BoltzTraP Code ( version 1.2.5 ) getting graphics for thermoelectric properties

2014-10-14 Thread Gavin Abo
In the BoltzTrap code file, see Table 1.2 in UserGuide.pdf. For example, you should see that the Seebeck coefficient (S) will be in column 5 of case.trace. You can create a graphic of the data in your favorite graph program like Origin, Excel, etc. An example was also given before using

Re: [Wien] Error in elastic properties calculations

2014-10-14 Thread Gavin Abo
In order for you to answer that, you have to know what the magnetic material is (Fe, NiO, NiFe, ...) and what 'initial' spin configuration it has (ferromagnetic, antiferromagnetic, ...). The -ask is usually chosen, since it allows for the specification of any linear configuration (note:

Re: [Wien] error in calculating optical properties with spin-orbit interaction using Wien2k_14.1

2014-09-29 Thread Gavin Abo ]. On 9/29/2014 5:23 AM, NARSIMHA RAO wrote: Dear Prof.Peter Blaha, /Gavin Abo / and all As you all know from my previous mails, I am trying to calculate optical properties of HgI2 and a lead based compound. Based on your suggestions I did calculations

Re: [Wien] question about the Wien2k_14

2014-09-29 Thread Gavin Abo
I have two questions about the new version. 1.How to avoid EFG-MATRIX is a NULLMATRIX? For cubic cell it is said running runsp -s -so lapw1 before normal scf can avoid the problem. But for v14 it seems does not work. What is the problem? Is the message EFG-MATRIX is a NULLMATRIX important

[Wien] txspec with check bounds

2014-09-29 Thread Gavin Abo
FYI - Problem: Compiling txspec with -C (check bounds) in WIEN2k 14.1 results in an ifort forrtl runtime error Effects: Can prevent complete debugging of txspec with check bounds Fix: txspec.patch (attached) Previous discussion and alternate fixes:

Re: [Wien] error while running optical properties with spin orbit interactions taking in to account using Wien2k_14.1

2014-09-25 Thread Gavin Abo
I'm not sure, but I'm thinking that error might be caused by trying to do a spin-orbit optic calculation with RLOs. Do you have any RLOs in case.inso, because the optic package does not work with relativistic local orbitals (RLOs) [ ]. On 9/25/2014

Re: [Wien] TiC calculation with dstart

2014-09-11 Thread Gavin Abo
If you compiled with ifort using -traceback, there is usually a forrtl error message like the one at: or an error message in the dstart.error file like the one at:

Re: [Wien] Calculation about the effect of external magnetic field

2014-09-03 Thread Gavin Abo
You did Dr. Pieper's exercise [ ]? For example: muB = ~5.7884*10^-5 eV/T [ ] muB*Bext = (5.7884*10^-5 eV/T)*(10 T) = 5.7884*10^-4 eV Likely the point is, say you plot DOS

Re: [Wien] how to remedy LAPW2: semicore band-ranges too large?

2014-08-30 Thread Gavin Abo
See: On 8/30/2014 9:14 PM, Bing Zhou wrote: Dear all, The run_lapw failed with the following error message as: LAPW2: semicore band-ranges too large (standard_in) 1: syntax error (standard_in) 1: syntax error

Re: [Wien] (no subject)

2014-08-29 Thread Gavin Abo
Please some one send me the commands for calculating the anti-ferromagnetic calculation. i did these steps did initialization did changes case.inst The commands are given in section 4.5.4 Antiferromagnetic (AFM) calculations of the Wien2k 13.1 usersguide [

Re: [Wien] error in x lstart

2014-08-24 Thread Gavin Abo
Looks to me that your atomic positions are in the hexagonal setting, when they need to be in the rhombohedral setting [] and your hexagonal lattice constants seem fine. On 8/24/2014 11:01 AM, Minghao Zhang wrote: Hi

Re: [Wien] mBJ Calc.

2014-08-21 Thread Gavin Abo
What Wien2k version is this occurring with? I 'assume' you are using 13.1. Hopefully, you are not using 12.1, because mBJ sometimes did not work in that older version due to a bug [ ]. What Intel Fortran compiler version are you using? I suspect that

Re: [Wien] (no subject)

2014-08-20 Thread Gavin Abo
'LAPW1 crashed' is commonly from a preceding error like rsh: command not found [] or can't open unit [] or lapw1c: command not found

Re: [Wien] error in lapw1

2014-08-19 Thread Gavin Abo
As a reminder, lattice constants in the case.struct file are always in bohr. The unit=ang' is only used by w2web, which is a flag that tells the program if the value should be converted or not for display in StructGen.

Re: [Wien] error in lapw1

2014-08-19 Thread Gavin Abo
As it says, the problem is that it cannot open the TiC.vector file in the directory '/work/02212/miz016/WIEN2K/data/scratch/'. The problem might with how you defined SCRATCH, probably you should set it to use the current case directory

Re: [Wien] elastic properties problems

2014-08-09 Thread Gavin Abo
The reason for the error ls: pas de correspondance (French) or ls: No match (English) is probably because the command ls eos_*.struct | cut -c 1-9 in eos.job cannot find the eos_*.struct files. I believe the eos_*.struct files should be created by elast_setup (when it internally executes

Re: [Wien] error in factorization while executing BoltzTrap

2014-08-06 Thread Gavin Abo
Maybe the BoltzTraP interpolation scheme (src/fite4.F90) has failed because your k-mesh is too course. You could try increasing the number of k-points to create a fine k-mesh (x kgen) followed by regenerating[up/dn] (x lapw1 [-up/-dn])

Re: [Wien] hup: command not found and invalid command

2014-07-31 Thread Gavin Abo
hup: Command not found is not a problem: Invalid null command might be due to a problem with csh, maybe it is using an exotic version: On

Re: [Wien] Heat Capacity

2014-07-25 Thread Gavin Abo
As far as I know, not with the current versions (13.1 or later) of Wien2k. Maybe with the next release []? Unfortunately, the next version is apparently taking longer than originally estimated

Re: [Wien] Fwd: 3D Fermi surface -reg

2014-07-23 Thread Gavin Abo
Is File-Close available? If so, a structure might already be open in xcrysden, which disables the Open Wien2k option in the File menu and clicking Close can make Open Wien2k-Fermi Surface highlightable again. If that does not fix the problem, xcrysden has its own mailing list

Re: [Wien] pbs_tmrsh x ssh

2014-07-23 Thread Gavin Abo
It seems to me that pbs_tmrsh is only available on systems that have PBS Professional. There is information about it in the PBS Professional support documentation (Reference Guide and User Guide) on Altair's PBS Works website:

Re: [Wien] Fwd: Fw: Confusion relating to MULT

2014-07-18 Thread Gavin Abo
I am not clear what is the role of this MULT. Equivalent atoms mean here ?. I would be glad if you can ellaborate this term more. Yes, that is what it means, and that is what it says in the Wien2k 13.1 usersguide on page 41 (pdf page 58)

Re: [Wien] Xcrygen compilation

2014-07-16 Thread Gavin Abo
Can you tell us what kind of systems this happens on and what the errors are? The information might be helpful to others. I had xcrysden-1.5.53-linux_x86_64-semishared.tar.gz installed on a ubuntu 64 bit 14.04 LTS system. I just downloaded xcrysden-1.5.60-linux_x86_64-semishared.tar.gz from

Re: [Wien] Xcrygen compilation

2014-07-16 Thread Gavin Abo
Correction: should be in the scripts folder not the bin folder. On 7/16/2014 4:04 PM, Gavin Abo wrote: Can you tell us what kind of systems this happens on and what the errors are? The information might be helpful to others. I had xcrysden-1.5.53-linux_x86_64

Re: [Wien] Reg: Error in lapw0_mpi installation of wien2k 13.1

2014-07-13 Thread Gavin Abo
cd /PATH-TO-FFTW3/lib/ grep -e fftw_alloc_complex * Binary file libfftw3.a matches This indicates that 'fftw_alloc_complex'' is part of the libfftw3.a library (i.e., -lfftw3). I think two possible causes might be that the wrong fftw3 library is referenced or fftw3 library was not compiled in

Re: [Wien] elastic-phase_transition

2014-07-09 Thread Gavin Abo
Did you read the information at the links: constants under Physics) On 7/9/2014 3:55

Re: [Wien] (no subject)

2014-07-08 Thread Gavin Abo
It is looking for the Wien2k executable file called 'nn' in the directory '/home/mohamed/Desktop/wien/', but cannot find it, which is why you are getting the error 'Command not found'. The WIENROOT environmental variable in .bashrc might not be pointing to the directory of the Wien2k

Re: [Wien] (no subject)

2014-07-07 Thread Gavin Abo
That could happen if the format of the cif file is not compatible with cif2struct or the cif file is bad (has incomplete information) []. You could try to make a compatible cif file with VESTA as mentioned in the

Re: [Wien] Guidance require for structure generation

2014-07-04 Thread Gavin Abo
FYI, there is also the Determining Structure from Symmetry slides in the The International Tables for Crystallography lecture notes at: ___ Wien mailing list

Re: [Wien] STM simulation in wien2k

2014-06-27 Thread Gavin Abo
Maybe Appendix A. STM Image Simulations: Theory Implementation in the dissertation by one of Prof. Marks students at the following link is of interest to you: However, I don't know if the lapw2STM code is available to the public.

Re: [Wien] labels

2014-06-24 Thread Gavin Abo
I think that gives the numerical z values of the contour lines, where the units of those values should depend on the case.in5 input (see section 8.11.3 Input in the Wien2k 13.1 usersguide []). As the userguide says, if the input is a

Re: [Wien] Parallel compilation installation

2014-06-17 Thread Gavin Abo
what about the environment in which we must mention the list of machines that will run parallel computing? If you are using a single PC, you should be able to use edit .machines in the menu of w2web. See section 5.5.4 The .machines file in the Wien2k 13.1 usersguide

Re: [Wien] Space group conversion

2014-06-10 Thread Gavin Abo
See the post at: On 6/10/2014 12:05 PM, Farshad Nejadsattari wrote: Dear Wien2k community, I am working on a monoclinic compound belonging to the space group C2/m (12) containing 20 nonequivalent atoms,

Re: [Wien] installation problem in parallel mode_Wien2k_13

2014-06-09 Thread Gavin Abo
, such that you would run into errors like others have experienced []. On 6/9/2014 9:37 AM, Nathalie Soto Yamile wrote: Dear Prof Gavin Abo I have tried to do what you suggested ; my options now are : Finding the required fftw2/3

Re: [Wien] installation problem in parallel mode_Wien2k_13

2014-06-08 Thread Gavin Abo
From what you sent, it is showing that your fftw libraries (FFTW_LIBS) are called -lfftw3_mpi and -lfftw3, not -lfftw_mpi and -lfftw, respectively. The FFTW_LIBS are already set in FFTW_LIB + FFTW_OPT. So try to compile again after removing -L/opt/local/fftw/lib/ -lfftw_mpi -lfftw in RP_LIB.

Re: [Wien] boltztrap error

2014-06-06 Thread Gavin Abo
I think case.engre might be created by BoltzTraP when it is ran with CALC in case.intrans []. On 6/6/2014 7:06 AM, idris.09 idris wrote: Dear Wien2k users I am having a problem in running boltztrap. i have installed

Re: [Wien] Error in dstart

2014-06-01 Thread Gavin Abo
That can happen if you did not run x lstart or there can be an earlier problem (typically, from an improper case.inst or case.struct) such that the running of x lstart is unsuccessful []. On 6/1/2014 6:54 PM, Farshad

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