Reviews of books I like in the midst of God my God of Sickness

2006-09-22 Thread Alan Sondheim
Reviews of books I like in the midst of God my God of Sickness Reviewing under the sign of fever: Principles of Stratigraphy, Amadeus W. Grabau, Dover, from the 1924 edi- tion. This was written at the end of the period of descriptive geology; computers and seismic analyses, tectonics and

Re: Reviews of books I like in the midst of God my God of Sickness

2006-09-22 Thread D^Vid D^Vizio
woozy ~ groom grow grow Broom Broom proven Thy all ran after the Farmer's Wife and Lake Baikal stands alone. Your'e right Big A! Tak fur this teachnik. Oyasumi D^ --- Alan Sondheim [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Reviews of books I like in the midst of God my God of

Don Quixote in Three Prts [Pt 3]

2006-09-22 Thread D^Vid D^Vizio
11:33 PST 9/21/06 2443 bytes the time for dreams is over the white moon ~ roam Glider eds. Uri is imeof rod emit off alonzo quihada ~ abonleifor gmalo aborliuqa gnvaloi the bettor of myself ~ again fo

Re: The Poem of I-Don't-Like-You

2006-09-22 Thread ralph marsh
wow. such as this and phanero's occasional are why this little old man hangs around here although 90 per cent of the time he has no idea what you folks are talking about. love, r

254/365, Eric

2006-09-22 Thread Dan Waber
Eric listens to country music all day long and wonders out loud why they play so many songs that mention Hank Williams but don't ever play any music actually by Hank Williams. An intensely determined programmer, hockey player, and father. 40 words, 40 years 365 days, 365 people

Re: Don Quixote in Three Prts [Pt 1]

2006-09-22 Thread Lanny Quarles
this is cool John. And makes me want to eat a big cake makes me want to go to a cake party! day hobbled doll lagoon novels carries cake tube well Dong Quijotek wearing cake armor takes up his lagoonovel and like a day hobbled doll motions between the otters of Sanchew Panchoa the rain meat

[Fwd: ScienceDaily Top News of the Day]

2006-09-22 Thread Lanny Quarles
RESEARCHERS WATCH SEEDS IN 3D AND DISCOVER AN UNKNOWN AIR PATH Researchers from the CNRS, the University J. Fourier of Grenoble and the ESRF have recently visualised a plant seed in 3D using synchrotron light. This new view has revealed that there is a network of voids between the cells which

the hyme and lilt of spampo

2006-09-22 Thread phanero
of Lem's Memoirs Found in a Bathtub, with (and here I confess to a highly Screen Livingston Seagull was practicing. A hundred feet in the sky he lowered Screen of any seagull on earth. Standard Battery: 1.5 -- 3 hours of life there. Incredible screen spoken, he was asleep. Ports- 2x 2.0

Contingency Plans

2006-09-22 Thread D^Vid D^Vizio
d^Vizio __ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around Contingency Plans.doc Description: pat1842601911

Contigency Plans

2006-09-22 Thread D^Vid D^Vizio
__ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around {\rtf1\mac\ansicpg1\cocoartf102 {\fonttbl\f0\fmodern\fcharset77 CourierNewPS-BoldMT;} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;}

Contingency Plan

2006-09-22 Thread D^Vid D^Vizio
the ground mist and rain ~ more anon trim brings Goff may leno trim amazon alt d^Vizio __ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around

tsyi hiD

2006-09-22 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
h before make ~ odom iodid rl (eylm gffrrq N)~ (film jodebofo N) dfill first a ~ o Asia ovo (s tsyi hiD) ~ (S Ajai slip) n ranffa mine ~ mim ormon 2 (cwhm ofhb H) ~ (roan earl or) jukka P!^VP

bulb bloc

2006-09-22 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
hetin open shop disputatious reforestation ehillydi ehlee gamete supported scrawl gravity medicine t schlock of the Bush impolit erotica sympathetic ehdm zero hour scertainable disputatious lit. When it's maxima torts wariness sect imprint diminish dyslexic Next get-together mountain lion

Re: a confuseonticoffering to the seamemingsignalark

2006-09-22 Thread Alan Sondheim
This is funlywonderful; how did you do it? Reminds me of Kenji Siratori but at this point more interesting - Alan blog at - for URLs, DVDs, CDs, books/etc. see - contact [EMAIL PROTECTED], - general directory of work:

WWF September E-newsletter: Tackling Climate Change

2006-09-22 Thread Alan Sondheim
Title: World Wildlife Fund SUPPORT WWF Become a WWF Member!Join WWF in our fight to save a living planet. Become "a force for nature" by supporting WWF's efforts to protect endangered wildlife, preserve wildlands and address global threats and challenges. You can receive this

Studies in the catastrophic

2006-09-22 Thread Alan Sondheim
Studies in the catastrophic Based on the previous video: 1. Negative echo which reveals the core/confinement aspect of movement; everything else is cauterized; there is considerable movement in the upper left quadrant, the mitigation of the body. 2.

Re: sexuality in drivel

2006-09-22 Thread skyplums
that revelatory moment while looking at the light has anyone actually had one? let the poem write itself he said sadly i need some feedback on sentimental drivell sheila's fantastic poem overshadowed it some what my big negative ego needs to be bouyed up or sunken a bit

Re: sexuality in performance and video

2006-09-22 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Mensaje originalDe: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Fecha: 21/09/2006 22:21 Para: Asunto: Re: sexuality in performance and video japanese bondage pornstar now involved in noise music

Re: sexuality in drivel

2006-09-22 Thread Halvard Johnson
sexuality in driveway


2006-09-22 Thread Audacia Dangereyes
STANDARD WISH VERSION capture keyword's referral problems updating username wizard bugs notice music makes search headlines party details revealed amputee adventure shipwreck external wax tablets painting library oral mouth tradition hearsay stories invented ancient clay tree glued

cryptobotanical future broadcast in 3 frames

2006-09-22 Thread mIEKAL aND Sep 22, 2006, at 11:26 PM, Alan Sondheim wrote:neuropteriskindfern.]extinct. extinct. plants