The destroy process must have hit point in the FS with a hundred thousand
files. The destroy completed relatively quickly after passing that point.
Please disregard this post.
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I ran a zfs destroy on a 20TB volume on a Thumper running snv_117, and its been
2 hours now with a huge amount of read activity. In the past(2008.06) destroy
came back with in a minutes.
After a couple of hours , activity still looks like:
-- - - - - - -
I had two thumpers replicating via zfs incremental send/recv croned over ssh
with blowfish eneabled under 2008.11. The 2009.06 update nuked blowfish and my
cronjob failed in then deleted the snapshots on the master and slave servers.
now if I try to run the job I get the error:
cannot r