Title: SearchDomino.com
Published by SearchDomino.com 
searchDominoThis Week
October 11, 2004 >> Receive this e-mail as text  >> About this e-mail 
 In this Issue

>> From the editor:
  • Upping the ante
  • >> Featured Topic:
  • Know your names.nsf
  • >> Expert Technical Advice:
  • Featured Expert: Barbara Bowen, Domino and Notes Certification
  • Site Exclusives:
    >> Express offers Lotus new hope in SMB market
    >> Workplace framework promises easier mobile content
    >> Desktop apps ripe turf for open source
  • Tips of the Week:
    >> Dialog list and combo box size limitations
    >> Closing all objects (WINWORD.EXE)
  • >> Site Highlights:
  • Webcast: Combat spam
  • White Paper: Secure your e-mail
  • Looking for a new job?

  •  From the Editor:

    by Christine Polewarczyk, Editor

    Congratulations to our August/September Tip Contest winners!

    1st place: Malcolm MacLeod
    Grand prize: $100 American Express gift cheque
    Tip: Dynamically change background color of a Notes doc

    2nd place: Ralph Bacon
    Tip: Domino and user authentication

    3rd place: Sandeep Goyal
    Tip: Simulating dynamic fields and labels

    Malcolm, Ralph and Sandeep have won elite positions in our SearchDomino.com Hall of Fame.

    For those of you who missed out last time and want to get in on the action, the October/November Tip Contest just got under way. We're upping the ante for our new contest with a much more expensive prize than usual. This time, an Apple 4 GB iPod Mini is up for grabs. The tip that receives the highest rating from our members and panel of judges will win this awesome new grand prize. So submit your Notes/Domino-related tip, trick, code, timesaver or workaround for your chance to win.

    Submit your tip here. You're free to enter as many times as you'd like, so don't be shy! And if you've won before, you can win again! We've recently changed the rules -- now members can win the grand prize three times per calendar year.

    Thanks to all of you who participated in our August/September Tip Contest. Your contributions and involvement are what make SearchDomino.com such a great online community and resource for Notes/Domino IT professionals.

    Have a great week, everyone.


     Featured Topic:

    Know your names.nsf
    by Christine Polewarczyk, Editor

    Do you know your names.nsf? Find out. Take a look at this collection of tips and expert advice on using, managing and troubleshooting this key component of your Notes/Domino system.

    Read more about this topic

     Expert Technical Advice:

    Featured Expert: Barbara Bowen
    Category: Domino and Notes Certification

    Dear Barbara: I've been working both in development and administration of R5 for four years. I want to become a CLP but I'm not sure if I should go for R5 or ND6. My concern is that R5 will be irrelevant soon. Your thoughts?
    Click here to read Barbara Bowen's expert response or ask a question of your own.

    This Week: In the forums
    >> Express offers Lotus new hope in SMB market
    It's estimated that just 16% of mid-sized companies use Domino, but some say small companies often overlook Domino's robust collaboration features. However, with Domino Express, Lotus is out to change that.

    >> Workplace framework promises easier mobile content
    An element of IBM's Workplace strategy promises to make Notes/Domino data available on all mobile devices. Workplace Client Technology could not only ease mobile device management, but also pave the way for Linux on the desktop.

    >> Desktop apps ripe turf for open source
    Two recently released reports have reinforced what open source advocates have known for years: Open source has positioned itself as a strong and fundamental commercial force.

    Tip of the Week:
    Dialog list and combo box size limitations
    You can overcome Domino data size limitations for the dialog list or the combo box. This tip shows you how.

    Closing all objects (WINWORD.EXE)
    You may have seen this problem when working with Microsoft Word or Excel. You close all the objects, try to run another process and you still get an error message or Notes freezes. How do you shut down all instances of the WINWORD.EXE without going into the Task Manager? Read this tip to find out.

    >> Check out all our tips.

     Site Highlights

    Webcast: Combat spam
    In this expert webcast, Michael Osterman, president of Osterman Research, will discuss antispam best practices and offer recommendations to minimize the destructive impact of spam.
    Register today to attend.

    White Paper: Secure your e-mail
    This white paper provides an overview of the threats to e-mail systems and how IronMail provides comprehensive protection for your systems, including antispam, antivirus, secure Web mail, secure delivery and policy enforcement.
    Read this white paper.
    Looking for a new job?
    Begin your search.
    Search no more. Find hundreds of Domino-related employment opportunities, such as systems analyst or IT manager, at the SearchDomino.com Career Center.

    This new monthly tip will teach you how to manage spam and keep your systems secure.
    Enter your e-mail and start receiving Spam and Security Tip.
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