Title: Today's News
  December 02, 2004 Published by  SearchDomino.com   

Today's News

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  > Postini, Inc.

  >  Think tank pegs Lotus IM as a leader
  >  Hardware upgrades: No panacea for I/O-bound environments
  >  Web Services just for CICS
  >  More headlines
  >  On Demand Webcast: Domino template & design management
  >  _javascript_ Learning Guide
  >  Domino Dictionary Challenge: Do you know the secret code?
  >  The Missing Link: Word! 'Blog' the bon mot of 2004


Think tank pegs Lotus IM as a leader
[Tekrati Industry Analyst Reporter]
The latest Sage Research Market Pulse found that Microsoft and IBM Lotus are considered the best overall enterprise instant messaging (IM) solutions by surveyed IT execs. However, Microsoft is the ultimate leader in the survey, and IBM Lotus' IM solution only slightly leads a discontinued AOL product.

Learn what's new in IM in Notes Domino 6.5.3
Check out Best Domino Web Links: IM

AD Expert's Guide to Choosing an Anti-Spam Solution -- White Paper
Overwhelmed in trying to choose an anti-spam solution? Find out how to categorize email security approaches, and use 10 critical factors to determine the best protection for your enterprise email system. Download the free white paper here.

Hardware upgrades: No panacea for I/O-bound environments
[iSeries Network]
When an iSeries I/O-bound system starts slowing down, many simply buy more hardware. Hardware can seem cheap, and added capacity can buy the time. However, purchasing hardware may not be the best solution.

Web Services just for CICS
[Internet News]
IBM unveiled a version of the company's 35-year-old Customer Information Control System (CICS) transaction server, which is now primed for a Web services makeover.

More headlines
[From around the Web]
Three requirements in a data consolidation project (SearchCRM.com)
Ohio plan: Put spammers in the can (Reuters)

Also on SearchDomino.com

WEBCASTS:  On Demand Webcast: Domino template & design management
Watch this webcast with speaker Rob Axelrod and discover the critical elements to a successful template and application management strategy. Learn key pieces of information that Domino developers need to maintain applications on an ongoing basis and vet them for crippling performance flaws, as well as the best methodology for deploying the standard Lotus template set any time you upgrade.
View this webcast now.

GUIDES:  _javascript_ Learning Guide
This SearchDomino.com guide introduces you to _javascript_ in a Notes/Domino environment, explains best practices and pitfalls to avoid and provides troubleshooting help and advice. You'll find _javascript_ articles, tutorials, tips, tools, white papers, expert advice and more to pump up your _javascript_ know-how quickly.

GLOSSARY:  Domino Dictionary Challenge: Do you know the secret code?
This is the set of markup symbols or codes inserted in a file intended for display on a World Wide Web browser page. The markup tells the Web browser how to display a Web page's words and images for the user.
Think you know the term? Click here to find out.

The Missing Link

Word! 'Blog' the bon mot of 2004
Get out the tiara, bouquet and endorsement contracts -- blog is dictionary publisher Merriam-Webster's word of the year. Not my blog, your blog or opinionated co-worker Jack's blog -- just the word "blog." Merriam-Webster claims blog was one of the most looked-up words on its Web sites in 2004, thanks to all the online Democrats and Republicans at bloggerheads during the election season. Blog will be a new entry in the 2005 version of the Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, but it really wants to be an actress.

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