Title: Developer Tips
  January 25, 2005 Published by  SearchDomino.com   

Developer Tips

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  >  The Latest SearchDomino.com White Papers

  >  Copy names.nsf data and manipulate views
  >  Extract attachments and indicate a new location
  >  Tip Talkback: Formula debugger
  >  More recently posted developer tips
  >  Formula Language Learning Guide
  >  Ask Brian Mahoney: Database lookup generated >65,000 bytes of results
  >  Live Webcast: Domino 7 LS Web Services to call from .Net apps


Copy names.nsf data and manipulate views
[Steve Pitcher]
This SearchDomino.com member needed to display data from the public address book in custom views. Instead of creating these views inside the public address book, they created this agent to run in a custom target database with views based on names.nsf data.

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Extract attachments and indicate a new location
[Bil Mcconoughey]
This tip is a modification of the Ken Pespisa's tip Extract attachments from e-mail, featured in the January 4 Developer Tip e-newsletter. After saving the attachment in another directory, the new location is appended to the body of the e-mail so that it's easy to find the next time it's needed.

Tip Talkback: Formula debugger
Several SearchDomino.com members e-mailed us with comments on this tip, which was featured in the January 18 Developer Tip e-newsletter. Click the link above to read what they had to say.

More recently posted developer tips
  • Remove duplicate attachments from user's e-mail database (Jan. 4, 2005)
  • Copy attachments in LotusScript without detaching (Dec. 27, 2004)
  • Get all e-mail headers using LotusScript (Dec. 20, 2004)
  • Extract attachments from e-mail (Dec. 16, 2004)
  • Using DXL (Domino XML) to review/modify documents (Dec. 15, 2004)
  • Know document changes since last save (Dec. 14, 2004)
  • Compact code for field validation (Dec. 14, 2004)
  • Reusable field validation function (Dec. 10, 2004)
  • Tracking session timeout (Dec. 10, 2004)
  • Load delimited text file (Dec. 1, 2004)
  • List group members from UI doc field (Nov. 24, 3004)
  • Compare field values (Nov. 15, 2004)

    Also on SearchDomino.com

    GUIDES:  Formula Language Learning Guide
    This SearchDomino.com guide introduces you to Formula language, explains best practices and pitfalls to avoid and provides troubleshooting help and advice. You'll find Formula language articles, tutorials, tips, tools, white papers, expert advice and more to pump up your Formula language know-how quickly.

    ADVICE:  Ask Brian Mahoney: Database lookup generated >65,000 bytes of results
    Dear Brian: I encountered this error message "ERROR: The specified database lookup generated more than 65,000 bytes of results, which is too large for Notes to handle in this context" in one of my databases that lookups by using @DBColumn to another database. What does this mean and how can we know that the database lookup has generated more than 65,000 bytes of result? How can I solve this problem?
    Click here to read Brian's expert response.

    WEBCASTS:  Live Webcast: Domino 7 LS Web Services to call from .Net apps
    SPEAKER: Gary Devendorf - Technology Evangelist, Microsoft Corp.
    DATE/TIME: Feb. 2, noon EST (17:00, GMT)

    Web Services in Notes/Domino 7 represent a potent new tool for the developer. During this webcast, Gary Devendorf will create a Web Service from scratch, and then call it from Visual Studio.Net. It will change the way you think of Notes apps.
    Click here to register for this webcast.

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