Dear Member,

We're excited to announce the latest addition to the online community. Stop by today at and exchange ideas
and tips with your peers in our NEW Solaris Forums, an online,
interactive community built just for you! We have 4 forums
available: Solaris 8 Implementation, Java Development, Hardware and
our Sound Off Forum. If you visit today, we have our Sun Solaris
experts patrolling the forums ready to answer questions on your
toughest Solaris-related challenges including Solaris
implementation, administration, hardware, storage, Java and more.

Our experts will be patrolling this week, so visit today for help

**John Philcox - owner and director of Mobile Ventures Limited, a
UNIX system and networks computer consulting firm. John has more
than 14 years of experience with the SunOS and Solaris environments.

**Ravi Iyer - Product Line Manager for Solaris Security, Sun
Microsystems. Ravi works for Sun Microsystems as a Product Line
Manager for Solaris Security and Directory Products.

**Mark Thacker - Technical Strategist, Solaris Software Sun
Microsystems, Inc.

Join our interactive discussion forums today and:

* Post questions on all your toughest Sun Solaris-related challenges
* Receive "email notification" when someone responds to your post
* Respond to posts with your solutions and suggestions
* Exchange ideas and tips with your peers
* Search and find posts by author, date and keyword
* And much more!

How do I participate?

First, make sure you're logged into to post to the
Forums. To participate in the Forums, you're prompted to create a
handle (i.e. your own name/alias) to ensure your postings remain
consistent. And when engaged in "discussions" with your peers,
handles make it easy for you to remember with whom you're
interacting. Plus you (and your fellow members) can quickly identify
your posts based on your handle using our "view by author" feature. 

Feel free to establish a custom profile for yourself by clicking on
the "Edit my forum preferences" link (located in the right-hand area
of each Forum). You can even upload a picture of yourself - just
make sure the file doesn't exceed 10k. 

It's your community... so join in today!

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this message with "REMOVE" in the subject line.  Or, visit and adjust your 
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If you choose to unsubscribe using our automated processing, you 
must send the "REMOVE" request from the email account to which 
this newsletter was delivered.  Please allow 24 hours for your 
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