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searchSolarisThis Week
 October 15, 2001
 In this Issue

>> From the editor: Solaris on Everything
>> Featured Topic: Solaris on Intel
>> Expert Technical Advice:
* Featured Expert Chris Baker
* Solaris x86 Network Install Options
* x86
>> Site Highlights:
* SearchSolaris Exclusive: Sun Strikes Back
* Get our Search Box for your site
* Solaris Administration: A Beginner's Guide

 From the Editor

by Michelle Graziose Webb, Site Editor

With Solaris 9 now under consideration by IT professionals around the world, the systems on which they are running Solaris are coming under scrutiny. This week we resurrect our Solaris on Intel feature, replete with information about the other types of hardware systems on which Solaris is being run. Our resident expert Chris Baker has been answering questions for us since May not just about what it takes to upgrade to Solaris 8 on Intel, but what it will take to run Solaris 9 now that it's almost here. He frequently drops in on the Solaris on Intel discussions forum, so be sure to air your concerns there.

Our nation is in a time when we all have to be on heightened security alert. IT managers and systems admins are working overtime to ensure their organizations' systems are safe. This week we add two more Security Experts to our Ask the Experts forum in order to bring you a) a more technical look at what it takes to keep Solaris safe and b) what the Security market looks like "under the Sun." We welcome Glenn Faden, who has worked as an architect and technical contributor in the Trusted Solaris Group at Sun for more than 12 years, and Martin Hack, who oversees the Trusted Solaris Operating Enviroment. Drop them a question, and check back here frequently for their expert answers.

So long for now,
Michelle Graziose Webb

 Featured Topic

Solaris on Intel
by Michelle Graziose Webb, Site Editor
If you're running Solaris on Intel, then searchSolaris has several resources just for you. Our resident Solaris on Intel expert, Chris Baker, is available every day to answer any questions you might have on the subject.

Read more about this topic

 Expert Technical Advice

Featured Expert: Chris Baker, Sun's product line manager for the Solaris on Intel platform edition

Category: Solaris on Intel
This week's featured expert is Chris Baker. If you have a question about Solaris 9 or Solaris 9 on Intel, run it by him.

View all of Chris Baker's answers

This Week in the Forums
>> Solaris on Intel expert, Chris Baker, regularly peruses our discussion forums, helping out where he can. In this discussion thread, Baker helps an admin figure out if there is a PXE or Jumpstart equivalent available to network install Solaris x86. Feel free to add any advice you have!

Tip of the Week:
Need a brief history of x86? We've got it.
>> x86

 Site Highlights

SearchSolaris Exclusive: Sun Strikes Back
A day after Steve Ballmer bashed Sun Microsystems, Sun's CEO struck back hard.
At the Gartner Symposium/ITxpo, McNealy was dying to respond to Ballmer's claims that Project Liberty is doomed to fail.

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Book of the Week
Solaris Administration: A Beginner's Guide
By Paul Watters

Install, configure and manage Solaris across your network with this comprehensive resource. You’ll find everything you need to get up and running with Solaris--including both Intel and SPARC versions of Solaris 8. Learn how to install the system, set up Internet services, build and distribute third-party software and much more.

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