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searchSolarisThis Week
 February 4, 2002
 In this Issue

>> From the editor: Is Solaris on Intel an endangered species?
>> Featured Topic: Solaris on Intel
>> Expert Technical Advice:
* Featured Expert: Mark Thacker
* Having trouble installing Solaris on Intel
* What is the maximum disk size that you can attach to Solaris/Intel?
>> Site Highlights:
* Live This Week: Use SOAP & Java Together
* Storage Matters! Get Storage magazine
* SearchSolaris Training Highlight

 From the Editor:

by Mark Brunelli, Assistant Site Editor

Sun Microsystems caused a great deal of hoopla a few weeks ago when it announced that Solaris 9 will not include support for Intel processors. The decision seemed to anger a number of loyal Solaris/Intel users. In fact, a recent informal searchSolaris poll indicates that most Solaris/Intel users would be willing to pay extra for a version of Solaris that supports Intel.

Sun is mulling the possibility of reverting this decision and plans to discuss other options with the Solaris/Intel community. If Sun decides to stick with its decision, searchSolaris will continue to do what it can to support those who use older versions of Solaris x86. For this week's featured topic we'll highlight all of our Solaris/Intel resources, including news, expert advice and technical tips on the subject. Be sure to bookmark our featured topic page for quick reference.

If you have an opinion on Sun's Solaris/Intel decision, I'd really like to hear from you. Please email your comments on the subject directly to me, and I'll write an article based on your opinions.

That's it for now folks. See you online!

Mark Brunelli, Assistant Editor

 Featured Topic:

Solaris on Intel
by Michelle Graziose Webb, Site Editor
Sun's decision to discontinue support for Solaris on Intel in the upcoming Solaris 9 has angered a number of users. Fear not Solaris nation, searchSolaris will continue doing what it can to support those who use older versions of Solaris on Intel. We've got several resources just for the Solaris/Intel community, including up-to-date news, tech tips and expert advice. Here's a sampling!

Read more about this topic

 Expert Technical Advice:

Featured Expert: Mark Thacker, Technical Strategist, Sun Microsystems

Want to make sure your Solaris on Intel system is running securely? Solaris security expert Mark Thacker can help. Drop him a line with your questions and he'll get back to you as soon as possible.

View all Mark's answers:

This Week: In the forums
>> Can you help this person? Royc357 is getting an error message while trying to install Solaris on Intel. If you think you might be of assistance, please click here.

Tip of the Week:
What is the maximum disk size that you can attach to Solaris/Intel?
Solaris on Intel expert Chris Baker fields tough questions about Solaris and the maximum disk size it can handle.
>> For the full tip, CLICK:

 Site Highlights

Live This Week: Use SOAP & Java Together
Join us for this Live Expert Q&A February 6th at 2:00 pm EST
Learn how to use SOAP to communicate with vendors and customers, allow integration across platforms, and pass information through firewalls.

SearchSolaris Training Highlight
Get Training on the Solaris Operating System - ORDER TODAY!
This course presents the Solaris OS as a business solution, examines its various components and addresses issues surrounding its use, administration, and development.
Storage Matters! Get Storage magazine
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