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searchSolarisThis Week
June 03, 2002>> Receive this email as text  >> About this e-mail 
 In this Issue

>> From the editor: In this corner..StarOffice!
>> Featured Topic: StarOffice
>> Expert Technical Advice: Featured Expert: Mark Thacker
>> Site Highlights:
* Take the SearchSolaris Survey
* 10% off Linux training
* Audio Archive: Hear directly from Sun on the debut of Solaris 9!

 From the Editor:

by Mark Brunelli, Assistant Site Editor

A fierce marketplace battle broke out last week between Microsoft and Sun when the latter unveiled a new $76 version of its formerly free StarOffice desktop productivity software.

Okay, so I'm exaggerating a little for effect. It's not exactly a battle. Sun probably doesn't expect the new StarOffice release to take all that much market share away from MS Office. In fact, the company is positioning StarOffice as a lower costing alternative to MS Office, and is marketing the suite mostly to government and education types.

Still, the decision to charge for StarOffice was an interesting one, and we'll be taking a look at that development all this week at SearchSolaris. We'll also size up the features and functionality of StarOffice as it compares to MS Office and other packages like OpenOffice. Look for continuing coverage of these subjects all week in our Featured Topic and News Pages.

Also this week, try and take some time to check out the newest star on our team, columnist and tip writer Gary Smith. A longtime Unix pro, Smith provides SearchSolaris members with highly informative and useful Unix administration and Solaris Security tips. CLICK HERE to read some of Gary's latest work.

I?d really like to know what you think about StarOffice, Solaris 9 and system security. If you have any thoughts on this stuff, feel free to send'em to me at [EMAIL PROTECTED], and I'll include your comments in our ongoing news coverage.

That's all for now,

Mark Brunelli, Assistant Site Editor

 Featured Topic:

by Michelle G. Webb, Site Editor
This week we examine Sun's decision to charge for the formerly free StarOffice suite of personal productivity applications. We'll also take a look at how StarOffice stacks up against MS Office and OpenOffice. Stay tuned!

Read more about this topic

 Expert Technical Advice:

Featured Expert Mark Thacker, Technical Strategist, Sun Microsystems

Got a security question about Solaris 9 or other Sun products? Why not take it straight to the top. Mark Thacker, a security expert at Sun, is available everyday to field your security questions and to offer guidance and support.

To ask Thacker a question, CLICK HERE
View all Thacker's answers

This Week: In the forums
>> Everything you ever wanted to know about Solaris 9
Bill Moffitt, Sun's Solaris Product Manager, was on hand last recently to tell SearchSolaris members all about the new features and functionality of Solaris 9. Moffitt offered a presentation about Solaris 9, and then stayed on to answer audience questions. If you missed this highly informative Webcast, don't worry. We have it in our archives.

To view the presentation, CLICK HERE

Tip of the Week:
As a registered member of SearchSolaris.com, you're entitled to a complimentary copy of Migrating to the Solaris Operating Environment. To take advantage of this FREE offer, CLICK Below:
>> Free white paper on Solaris migration!

 Site Highlights

Take the SearchSolaris Survey
How satisfied are you with Sun's recent initiatives?
Have your voice heard on the most critical issues affecting Solaris professionals. We?ll report the aggregate results!

10% off Linux training
Learn about the network services mgmt system supported by Linux.
"Configuring Linux Network Services" covers installing, configuring, networking, and administrating servers thru Linux.
Live Audio Archive
Everything you ever wanted to know about Solaris 9 - your questions answered!
If you missed our popular Live Audio event on the Solaris 9 release, listen in to the archive and hear directly from Bill Moffitt, Solaris 9 Product Line Manager on the business and technology strategy for this new OS. You don't want to miss it!

SearchSecurity News
To be uninformed of IT Security issues is not an option. Subscribe to the SearchSecurity Daily News for a comprehensive daily report on the news you have to know.
Click Here

.NET Info Center
Get your questions answered! Learn expert advice from Dave Ranck, a Microsoft Certified Solution Developer, and the latest .NET news and tips.
Check it out!

Salary Survey
Check out the aggregated results and see how your salary stacks up. Add to the industry's knowledge of how to best compensate employees.
Read More

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