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searchSolarisThis Week
September 03, 2002 >> Receive this email as text  >> About this email 
 In this Issue

>> From the editor: SearchSolaris.com A one-stop-shop for technical advice
>> Featured Topic: ufsdump and ufsrestore
>> Expert Technical Advice: Mark Thacker, Technical Strategist, Sun Microsystems
>> Site Highlights:
* Live Webcast: Are you using Solaris-based Web services?
* User Survey: Help us improve SearchSolaris.com!
* Attention all Solaris admins!

 From the Editor:

by Mark Brunelli, Site Editor

At SearchSolaris.com, we're working hard to bring you technical advice and tips on all aspects of Solaris computing. I'd like to take this opportunity to point you to some of the latest SearchSolaris.com posts. They're all designed to save you time and help you learn the little nuances of Solaris.

- Our Administrator Tips sections boasts at least three new pieces of Solaris technical advice each week. Click here to view the latest submissions or to send in a tip of your own.

- Our Ask the Experts section is full of new Solaris advice. Click here to find out the latest info on Solaris certification, CDE and the Solaris disc partition known as 'slice 2.'

- By the way, if you're interested in Web services, and who isn't these days, you might want to check out the archive of our most recent Webcast entitled "Securing Solaris-Based Web Services." During the event, SearchSolaris.com columnist Gary Smith explained the concentric circle approach to Web services security, then stayed on to answer questions from attendees. Click here for the Webcast.

Remember folks, the items listed here are just samples of all the new types of information you can find on SearchSolaris.com each week. We hope you enjoy!

Mark Brunelli, Site Editor

 Featured Topic:

ufsdump and ufsrestore
by Mark Brunelli, Site Editor
At SearchSolaris.com we've got lots of information about ufsdump, ufsrestore and many other aspects of Solaris computing. If you have a ufsdump/ufsrestore tip, please send it to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Read more about this topic

 Expert Technical Advice:

Featured Expert Mark Thacker Technical Strategist, Sun Microsystems

Category: Security
Got a security question about Solaris or other Sun products? Why not take it straight to the top. Mark Thacker, a security expert at Sun, is available everyday to field your Security questions and to offer guidance and support.

To ask Thacker a question, CLICK HERE.
View all Mark's answers

This Week: In the forums
>> ufsdump aborts

Find out how one admin overcame a recurring error while trying to use the ufsdump utility.

To learn more about ufsdump, CLICK:

Start your own conversation in one of the SearchSolaris.com discussion forums! CLICK:

Tip of the Week:
There are a whole bunch of utilities under proc tools in Solaris. Here is a listing of some of them, along with their descriptions.
>> Proc tools

 Site Highlights

Are you using Solaris-based Web services?
Make sure you know how to secure your Solaris-based Web services in this Webcast
Find out how to create and maintain secure Web services on the Solaris platform with Solaris security expert Gary Smith.

User Survey
Help us improve the look, navigation and usability of SearchSolaris.com!
We want your feedback. Tell us what you think about our site features in this user survey.
Attention all Solaris admins!
Are you running into a roadblock? Or, have you found a cool trick in Solaris?
Search for a solution to a problem or submit a new tip. Check out tips such as:
* Change the default color depth to 24-bit true color
* Output list of disks without going into format
* Firewall resources to the rescue!

Don't forget to subscribe to the newsletter so that you can get these tips directly to your inbox.

.NET Info Center
Browse through .NET news, articles, resources and downloads in the .NET Info Center. Plus, get online advice from expert Dave Ranck, a Microsoft Certified Solution Developer.
Subscribe today

Free attendance!
Nick Allen of Gartner discusses the outlook for the storage market, technologies and companies. Get your free attendance to the Storage Decisions conference this September 17-19.
Register today

IT Security Research
SearchSecurity.com recently surveyed 500 security pros to learn what's changed in IT security during the past year. Get the results via a Special Report and upcoming Webcast.
More details

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