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searchSolarisThis Week
October 07, 2002 >> Receive this email as text  >> About this email 
 In this Issue

>> From the editor: How do you stay secure?
>> Featured Topic: Hardening Solaris
>> Expert Technical Advice: Ken Milberg, Multi-Platform Unix Expert
>> Site Highlights:
* Live Webcast: Capacity and performance planning for Web services
* Receive the Administrator Tips newsletter
* Check out our Featured Topics

 From the Editor:

by Mark Brunelli, Site Editor

Hi Folks,

They say the biggest deterrent to system security is a complacent systems administrator. But let's face it, keeping up with the latest patches and third-party Solaris security products can be tough, especially when you're inundated with other projects.

To help ease the burden, this week SearchSolaris.com is featuring all of our Solaris security resources. Topics covered include patch management, permissions, password assignments and network monitoring. Be sure to click over to our featured topic as it includes dozens of time-saving tips and tricks designed to ensure that your Solaris systems are properly hardened. How do you go about managing passwords, patches and overall Solaris systems security. If you have any tips, ideas or useful resources e-mail them to me and I'll post them immediately in our Solaris Security Tips section. You can always reach me at [EMAIL PROTECTED].

That's all for now. I'll see you online.

Mark Brunelli Site Editor SearchSolaris.com

 Featured Topic:

Hardening Solaris
by Mark Brunelli, Site Editor
At SearchSolaris.com we've got all the Solaris security tutorials, tips and expert advice you'll need to ensure that your systems are properly hardened. Stay tuned each day this week as we add all new Solaris security tips to our featured topic.

Read more about this topic

 Expert Technical Advice:

Featured Expert Ken Milberg, President/Unix Systems Consultant, Unix Solutions

Category: Multi-Platform Unix Expert
At SearchSolaris.com we provide information that's applicable to every Unix platform. If you've got a question about HP-UX, IBM AIX, or any other version of Unix, run it by our multi-platform Unix expert, Ken Milberg. He's available everyday to field your questions and will post his responses as quickly as possible.
View all Ken's answers

This Week: In the forums
>> Is Sun behaving like Microsoft?
Is Sun behaving like Microsoft with its decision to bundle its entire software stack with Solaris 9? Some critics have said the decision to include the Sun ONE App and Web servers is similar to Microsoft's proprietary approach. Do you agree? Or is it simple enough to go out and find your own software if you're not interested in using Sun ONE? The news reporters at SearchSolaris.com want to know your opinion. To tell us what you think, click here and respond to this post in the SearchSolaris.com Solaris 9 discussion forum.

Tip of the Week:
Follow the instructions included with this tip and you'll be able to run NFS over secure shell on Solaris.
>> NFS over secure shell on Solaris

 Site Highlights

Open-source vs. proprietary software debate
Experts from both sides debate which is more prone to bugs or attacks
Topics of this debate focus on the security of each -- such as which is easier to fix/patch and which is more flexible.

Receive the Administrator Tips newsletter
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Click on the edit e-mail subscriptions link and select the Administrator Tips to stay informed in this competitive market.
Check out our Featured Topics
Each week, we feature a different Solaris-related topic on our home page
Don't overlook the value of this resource. View a list of all past topics today and find the answer you're looking for -- whether it's from advice, news or books. Here's a sample of some new and old topics:
* Solaris Certification
* Simplifying directory navigation
* The Apache Web server
* Solaris on Intel

.NET Info Center
Check out the .NET Developer Tips section. You'll find out how to start Web services on your intranet, learn about the .NET debugging environment, and more!
Visit it today

Networking Decisions
Last chance to grab one of the 42 seats that remain open for next week's FREE Networking Decisions conference. Qualify by 5:00 p.m. EDT this Wednesday and get 2 free hotel nights!
Act now!

Be Prepared
The new SearchSecurity.com guide, "Managing Viruses in the Enterprise," provides a wealth of knowledge on virus prevention. Order today and take advantage of our no-risk offer.
Click for more

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