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searchSolarisThis Week
November 18, 2002 >> Receive this email as text  >> About this email 
 In this Issue

>> From the Editor: What topics would you like us to cover?
>> Featured Topic: KSH and CSH
>> Expert Technical Advice: Mark Thacker, Solaris Security Expert
>> Site Highlights:
* Expert Tips of the Week
* Subscribe to Storage Magazine
* Your 2003 Solaris goals

 From the Editor:

by Mark Brunelli, Site Editor

At SearchSolaris.com, our main goal is to provide Solaris administrators with timesaving news and technical tips. We want to make your life easier by providing an independent, central hub for Sun/Solaris information. This week I'd like to ask you a question: Are we meeting that goal?

If you have a minute to spare, please send me an e-mail with your opinions about SearchSolaris.com. What subjects would you like us to cover? Are there any aspects of Solaris computing we've missed? Are we doing a good job providing information on Solaris/x86, Sun hardware and Sun's Linux aspirations?

Basically, I'd like to know what SearchSolaris.com could do to better meet your professional needs. So go ahead, sound off. We can take it. You can always reach me directly at [EMAIL PROTECTED].

Thanks for your time,
Mark Brunelli
Site Editor

 Featured Topic:

by Mark Brunelli, Site Editor
Here's a collection of tips dealing with KSH and CSH commands. Enjoy!

Read more about this topic

 Expert Technical Advice:

Featured Expert Mark Thacker, Technical Strategist, Sun Microsystems

Category: Security
Have a question about Solaris security? Why not take it right to the top. Mark Thacker, a technical strategist with Sun Microsystems and a Solaris expert, is available to field your security questions.
View all Mark's answers

This Week: In the forums
>> Sun answers admins' questions about Solaris, Part 1
Solaris system administrators got the chance to go one on one with Sun executives at the recent LISA 2002 conference in Philadelphia. In this article, Sun's Solaris Product Manager, Larry Wake, responds to a flurry of questions from admins attending a Solaris "birds of a feather" session.

Tip of the Week:
Learn to print your system's essential information in simple HTML format and save it away from your system where your browser can view it.
>> View essential system information in HTML

 Site Highlights

Expert Tips of the Week
Subscribe to receive highlights from our Ask the Experts forum
Every other week, you'll receive some of the most popular question and answer pairs from our site experts.

Managing a SAN the old-fashioned way
Apply for a free subscription to Storage Magazine today
Get a new issue of Storage Magazine sent to your home or office every month -- plus gain access to the magazine online.
What are your plans for 2003?
Share your comments and feedback about your Solaris goals for next year
Help us be sure we're providing the most relevant and timely information to you and other members of SearchSolaris.com. Please take a few minutes to answer some questions about your 2003 goals and initiatives. Your responses are valuable to us and will make a difference. Thank you, in advance, for your help.

VS.NET Info Center
Visit the new VS.NET Info Center on SearchVB.com! Get tips and advice from Chris Sells, the new VS.NET Info Center expert. And you can also submit your own questions to Chris.
Visit today!

OracleWorld 2002
Miss last week's big database expo? Go to SearchDatabase.com for exclusive coverage. Find out what Oracle, their partners and competitors announced for 2003.
Check it out

IT Salary Survey
Not sure if you're earning as much as you think you should? Take the SearchSolaris.com Salary Survey today and then check out how your salary stacks up.
Take it now

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