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searchSolarisThis Week
February 24, 2003 >> Receive this email as text  >> About this email 
 In this Issue

>> From the editor: Spring Cleaning at SearchSolaris.com
>> Featured Topic: The Solaris Know-IT-All Challenge
>> Expert Technical Advice: Mark Thacker, Solaris Security Expert
>> Site Highlights:
* SearchSolaris.com White Paper Library
* Expert Tips of the Week
* Take the Solaris Challenge

 From the Editor:

by Chris Sluz, Site Manager

SearchSolaris.com member:

Here at the offices of SearchSolaris.com, we decided to start our spring cleaning very early (you should see Mr. Know-IT-All's desk). What does this mean to our loyal member base?

We need to clean out our files, to make sure that everybody that is receiving our e-mail newsletters truly wants them, and take stock of whether we are offering the newsletters that our membership demands and needs. However, this means that there is some possibility that we may drop some people that really wish to continue receiving a newsletter.

We don't want to do that, so we need your help. Simply visit, log in, and make sure that your interests are accurately reflected and that you are signed up for the newsletters that you need. We'll do the rest! SearchSolaris.com will be ship shape, and you won't even have to pick up a broom.

Thanks for your help,

Chris Sluz
Site Manager

 Featured Topic:

The Solaris Know-IT-All Challenge
by Mark Brunelli, Site Editor
Got what it takes to join the ranks of the SearchSolaris.com IT Intelligencia? You're about to find out -- answer a forum query, take Mr. Know-IT-All's quiz or submit a Solaris tip for your fellow admins to rate today. Come on. Let's see how smart you really are.

Read more about this topic

 Expert Technical Advice:

Featured Expert Mark Thacker, Technical Strategist, Sun Microsystems

Category: Solaris Security
Got a question about the security features of Solaris 9? Take it straight to the top. Mark Thacker, a technical strategist with Sun Microsystems and a Solaris Security expert, is available everyday to field your security questions.

To ask Mark a question, CLICK HERE:
View all Mark's answers

This Week: In the forums
>> Find the shared libraries on a system

Use this script to find any shared libraries on your system. For the complete tip, CLICK HERE:

Tip of the Week:
Here is a simple way to see what commands will be executed before it's too late, and then to execute them once you're sure that everything is safe.
>> Look before you leap

 Site Highlights

SearchSolaris.com White Paper Library
Visit the White Paper section of our site today
Bookmark the page for quick access to our collection of white papers -- free to all SearchSolaris.com members.

Expert Tips of the Week
Subscribe to receive highlights from our Ask the Experts forum
Every other week, you'll receive some of the most popular question and answer pairs from our site experts.
Take the Solaris Challenge
Click here to test your mastery of Solaris Administration
Stop telling everybody that you are the greatest Solaris Administrator and prove it! Take any of the Mr. Know-IT-All quizzes or leave a tip for your fellow admins to rate.

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Security Tips
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Solaris on Itanium?
Can it be done? Will Solaris run on the next version of Itanium? Check out the latest buzz in the discussion forums. Read what others think and give your opinion about the prospects.
Check it out

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