--- Benjamin Donnachie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Jaqui Greenlees wrote:
> > In a recent discussion about secure ssh use the
> idea
> > of having ssh export the authentication method as
> a
> > shll variable. The idea being to limit su access
> to
> > only those who have used a public / private key
> pair
> > for authentication.
> Easy...  Compile sshd with the match keyword patch
> (http://bugzilla.mindrot.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1180),
> and use it to ensure
> that members of the admin group can only log in
> using public/private key
> authentication.
> Also make these users a member of the wheel group,
> and ensure that only
> they can su - check out /etc/pam.d/su.
> For example, in /etc/ssh/sshd_config add:
> Match Group admins
>   PubkeyAuthentication yes
>   PasswordAuthentication no
>   ChallengeResponseAuthentication no
> In /etc/pam.d/su ensure the following is
> uncommented:
> # Uncomment the following line to require a user to
> be in the "wheel" group.
> auth       required    
> /lib/security/$ISA/pam_wheel.so use_uid
> I use this method to ensure that admins can only log
> in using
> public/private keys and have access to perform admin
> functions while
> (hopefully) ensuring that "normal" users cannot mess
> about.
> This also has the advantage that if any user uploads
> their own keys to
> ~/.ssh that they will not be able to gain admin
> rights!!!
> Ben
Thanks Ben,

that is exactly what I was looking for.


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