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--- Fab Siciliano <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Let's say I have a router. Doing NAT. When I send an
> email to another 
> office, the source ip is different from the IP I get
> when I do a 
> traceroute, and it leaves my network.
> For instance. I send an email to
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] In his header, it 
> says that the Source address is
> When I do a traceroute to an external domain the
> address of the device when 
> it leaves my network, is

The source address in the email header is at the
application layer of the OSI model (layer 7). This IP
address is the hosts source address. The one sending
the email message.

Traceroute shows you router hops between you and the
destination. IP routing and NAT operate at layer 3 of
the OSI model, on the IP source/destination address.  

I hope this clears things up. I would suggest reading
up on how TCP/IP works. 

> Why would these addresses be different? Thanks

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