On Tue, 2 Oct 2001, Don Weber wrote:


> this is the only thing i've found so far for windows, if you find anything
> else let me know i'd like other options myself. not sure if you can use this
> to report to unix tho
> I placed a space after the www. below to break the link
> http://www. winsyslog.com/en/

Well, Winsyslog is a syslog daemon for Windows where syslog-enabled boxes
can log to a centralized Windows server; it kinda was the other way around
I wanted it :)

Anyhow - as someone else suggested, Google could do wonders (why didn't
I think of that in the first place?) and came up with a nifty program
called Backlog at
It logs Application, Security and System to a syslog-server, with levels
at one's own choice.
Now I just need to figure out a way to handle it's, erm, 'interesting' way
of logging it to syslog (it's not all that readable), but I guess a few
hours in good company with Perl and some cappuccino should take care of
that :)

Thanks for the feedback, folks.

Best regards,
-Allan Jensen

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