> -----Original Message-----
> From: Joseph [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
> Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2001 2:07 PM
> To: Omar Koudsi
> Subject: Re: need feedback on Watchguard firebox
> I know a couple of places that use it.  It seems like a pretty good 
> firewall.  It is easy to configure.  There are a couple of 
> drawbacks to 
> it though.  
> 1. If you have multiple external addresses, you can't masquerade a 
> servers outgoing connections as a particular IP address while another 
> outgoing connection is another address.  You can set this for 
> incoming 
> connections only.  The main problem with this is that we 
> wanted to setup 
> a mail server to use one external IP address and a web proxy for the 
> internal network to use another IP address.  However, all outgoing 
> connections get masqueraded to the same IP address.  We could make 
> requests sent to a particular IP address that is coming in from the 
> outside world to go to a particular box, just not the reverse.  

 I haven't tried to do this yet, so I cannot comment here... 

> 2. Another drawback that is actually more of a problem is 
> that whenever 
> you change a rule, you have to reboot the firebox to get it to take 
> affect.  You can't change rules on the fly.  It is suppose 
> to, but every 
> change I've made has always required a reboot.

The good news is that a new version of the software is or will be out
soon and will not require a reboot every time.

The thing to remember is that even with a reboot, it is only 40 seconds.
Not such a problem, unless you are streaming media....

> Omar Koudsi wrote:
> >Hello everyone,
> >
> >I'm thinking of installing the Watchguard firebox on our network, 
> >appreciate any feedback on the product.
> >
> >Thanks,
> >

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