should be able to use Partition Magic, I would think. it ships with Mandrake
Linux 7.1 and is used to re-partition a Windows system for dual-boot
purposes. don't know if it recognizes the file system you are currently
using, though


>-----Original Message-----
>From: yashpals [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>Sent: Monday, November 12, 2001 1:37 PM
>Subject: resizing partition
>Hi All,
>Is there any way to increase the partition size without losing the data
>on FreeBSD4.2 ?  I am getting
>df output as
>Filesystem       1K-blocks     Used     Avail    Capacity     
>Mounted on
>/dev/ad0s2a    127023      84930          31932         73%        /
>/dev/ad0s2f   1984479    1424788      400933    78%        /usr
>/dev/ad0s2e    297663    16223        257627      6%        /var
>/dev/ad0s2g  12171564  6684015  4513824    60%    /z
>procfs              4        4
>0                                   100%    /proc
>I want to increase the partition for / partition . Can i do that without
losing the data on it. Any help will be highly appreciated.
>Thanks to all in advance.

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