1. If you have another disk you can mount temporarily, set it up a with a
partition(s) big enough to hold your other data temporarily, resize the
partititions on your regular disk, and then copy the data back on the
newly-resized partitions.

2. Save your self a step, partition a new hard disk, mount it, copy the
data onto it in the respective partitions
and use it for the machine's *new* harddrive.

3. Add a new harddrive just for the partition in question. copy the data,
and free up the original space, in case you ever need it later on....

4. Some other variations I didn't mention.

You'll probably need to boot from a floppy disk or cdrom to move
around/reallocate the partitions, especially if you are going to be moving
around data from a partition like /usr, which would otherwise be in use by
a live system. Also make sure you cp the data, rather than mv, in case
something gets hosed up in the process and you need to start over. Either
way, probably an excellent idea to make a backup of your data on tape or
cdrom before you do anything!


There is no implied warranty for data loss in the event you use any of the
aforementioned techniques.
These suggestions are offered on an "AS IS" basis with no warranties or
representations of any kind. I specifically disclaim any and all warranties
with respect to the reliability of the aforementioned suggestions and any
subsequent loss of data or resources, tangible or intangible. By using
these suggestions you acknowledge and accept that you use any of the
suggestions/techniques/advice at your own risk, and will not hold me
accountable for reparations of any kind, regardless of the outcome of
subsequent use of any of the information conveyed in this message or any
subsequent communications.

yashpals wrote:

> Hi All,
> Is there any way to increase the partition size without losing the data
> on FreeBSD4.2 ?  I am getting
> df output as
> Filesystem       1K-blocks     Used     Avail    Capacity     Mounted on
> /dev/ad0s2a    127023      84930          31932         73%        /
> /dev/ad0s2f   1984479    1424788      400933    78%        /usr
> /dev/ad0s2e    297663    16223        257627      6%        /var
> /dev/ad0s2g  12171564  6684015  4513824    60%    /z
> procfs              4        4
> 0                                   100%    /proc
> I want to increase the partition for / partition . Can i do that without
> losing the data on it. Any help will be highly appreciated.
> Thanks to all in advance.
> regards,
> yash

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