I don't, never have, and didn't even know it was possible to
to manipulate the packet order with the libraries I have used
(JSSE and RSA BSAFE SSL-C/J). As a "code guru" (well, not quite
a guru yet), I don't think about that stuff.  If I have to,
then the API is broken from my perspective.


On Tue, 11 Dec 2001, Craig Van Tassle wrote:

> Ok here is the basics of the OSI model for networking.
> layer 1 -physical (the actual wire)
> layer 2 - data link ( transmits the frames and recives the frames
>                     and it and verifies the delivery)
> layer 3 - network (communications between the machines ie the sub-net
>                  and routes from to
> layer 4 - transport (end to end integrity of transmissions)
> layer 5 - session  (flow control)
> layer 6 - presentation ( translates between the different encoding schemes
>                       ie ascii to ebcdic)
> layer 7 - application ( the actual app that is useing the stack
>                       any thing from ftp to web browsing for porn(j/k)
>                         )
> as you can see the application layer would be the ssl tunnel that you are using
> and the transport layer is what will reorder the packets.  You dont want to havea 
>program like you email getting out of order or you stream from you local web-cast 
>radio station.  THe packet reordering is done even before SSL comes in to play.  The 
>data in the pay-load of the datagram will be encrypted, split up as it encounters 
>pipes that can't handle the frame at it's "true" size.  As it goes about the internet 
>and gets fragmanted its reordered as it comes in to you NIC/modem/cable/whatever then 
>the headder information is stripped and sent to the program using the ssl.  And it 
>may be a little slow but TCP (transmission control protocol) is whats used to make 
>sure that everything goes to and from the web server to you box.
> To answer the original question in a strict sence the answer is no.
> The informaion is reorderd by the transport layer.
> If you need more informaion look up the TCP rfc's.
> Craig
> On Sat, Dec 08, 2001 at 06:05:47PM -0800, Pradeep Kumar wrote:
> > Packet reordering has nothing to do with SSL. Packet reordering can be
> > implemented as a additional check. Check with the code gurus how they
> > implement it. If your device has to do a packet reordering, then it wont be
> > most efficient. When the traffic is voice, you dont want this feature( bug
> > !! )
> >
> > -Pradeep
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: 'ken'@FTU [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent: Thursday, November 29, 2001 1:09 PM
> > To: Tarek Koudsi
> > Subject: Re: please help with SSL
> >
> >
> > SSL occurs at the layer above TCP. Therefore the reordering of packets
> > happens before the block is decrypted.
> >
> > 'ken'
> >
> > Tarek Koudsi wrote:
> >
> > > Mailer: SecurityFocus
> > >
> > > I would highly appreciat eit if someone could answer
> > > this quesiton? is it possible in SSL for the receiver to
> > > reorder SSL record blocks
> > > that arrive out of order? if yes how? if not, why not?
> > >
> > >
> >
> >
> >

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