Hello All.

Just trying to set up a way to map a drive through our firewall (Internal to
DMZ) for special computers and special username/password combo via NT

While doing so I swore that I just needed to open up ports 137, 138 and 139
between the two PCs in order to map shares.  Is there one more port that I
am missing (seems to me there is)...or multiple ports...??  Do I need to
specify that after the initial connection there needs to be a subsequent
connection to a random port between 1024-65563?  Again, I just thought I
needed 137-139.

When tested on our non-live network we tried opening up a huge hole across
the internal to DMZ loop, just incase another rule (computer-name or user)
was not set proper.  Still did not work.

Thanks in advance.  I think I am just "having a case of the Monday's" :)

        Justin M. Silles

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