Okay, I understand that part. Only piece I do not
fully understand is 

A - Assuming one does not allow Active X to run on
their machine, would not the java sandbox limit
sending cookie or other data to another site ? I
though java sandbox limits what mobile code can do on
the computer while Active X does not have any such

B - I've seen literaure which says servers should
block " < > " ' ; ( ) + - " characters. If one has not
blocked all these types what are the implications
(i.e., if only <> types are blocked) ?

--- Jeremiah Grossman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> So Ive noticed a couple questions relating to Cross
> Site Scripting
> ask for an explanation... and how to test for the
> vulnerabilities.
> CSS is still a commonly misunderstood attack and the
> dangers
> unexplained.
> I wont go into GREAT detail, but I will try and
> cover some of the
> basics as I know them.
> Cross-Site Scripting attacks are often bundled with
> In-line
> Scripting attacks... they are hard to distinguish
> between so, its
> generally all grouped together... I just like to
> call them all CSS
> vulnerabilities.
> CSS issues occurs only in web applications. (AFAIK).
> A CSS vulnerability can be identified when a web
> application
> echoes improperly filtered HTTP "client-side" data
> thus
> resulting in executable client-side scripting.
> (JavaScript,
> ActiveX, JScript, VBScript, Flash, Java, etc.).
> In english... this is means.... if one were to put
> in some weird
> text string (Containing HTML/JavaScript) into some
> search
> field and the web page response contains the entered
> string
> and thus executes the supplied JavaScript....
> there's a
> vulnerability.
> Search field are a common occurrence of CSS as most
> developers dont know to properly filter the output.
> something like:
> www.foo.com/search.cgi?string=*SCRIPT>CSS ME
> or even 404 error pages:
> "The request URL: www.foo.com/*SCRIPT>CSS ME
> could not be found."
> There are generally 2 ways CSS are taken advantage
> of.
> 1) target user needing to click on a special link to
> execute CSS.
> Example:
> <A HREF="www.foo.com/*SCRIPT>CSS ME
> </A>
> 2) target user simply only needs to view a page.
> common in WebMail, Message Boards and On-line
> Auctions.
> Someone send you an email...you read a post... or
> whatever...
> No clicky, clicky needed.
> Yes, the second is far far the worst.
> So... why is CSS such a big deal? What are the bad
> things that
> can be done? Well... of course cookie stealing can
> be performed
> which leads to session stealing and such. But...
> this is just
> one potential. The real danger of CSS attacks as I
> see
> them is that the "Code" executes in the same domain
> as the
> target site. Such as "foo.com" or "whatever.com"
> Having all the same abilities and access as the
> target domain.
> For all intents and purposes the attack becomes
> whoever.com
> for that moment in time. Like your favorite web mail
> provider. This is very important to understand.
> Further, these attacks are very hard to detect once
> they run.
> They can be extremely fast and stealthy and most
> often
> leave no log or any trace.
> For instance.... when you check you HTML mail on...
> "www.cssme.com" and someone has sent you a crafted
> HTML email message... the code in that email message
> is executed as "www.cssme.com" so... it can steal
> and
> set cookies sure... also can exploit holes in your
> browser
> which can lead to system compromise.... send you
> to the latest spammer haven... force you to bid on
> the latest
> rubber toys....or maybe even just track you for fun
> sending
> all your data to some off-domain host. Neat eh.
> How to test.... its easy really... yet can get
> tricky... thats why
> so many issues are popping up. Pick you favorite CGI
> parameter where you see the data getting echoed to
> the
> screen. If you can get HTML and/or JavaScript to
> execute
> on the response, chances are theres an issue.
> Many times data output is not properly filtered...
> so vulns
> are easy to find... the real challenge is to find a
> way to bypass
> the implemented filters when output is actively
> trying
> to be stripped. AKA: "Filter-Bypass Manipulation"
> OK, nuff. Done with the ramble.
> Hopefully the above made some kind of sense.
> Jeremiah Grossman
> WhiteHat Security, Inc.
> Adik wrote:
> > Hi!
> > There are a lot of CSS vuln discovered everyday.
> As i have understood
> > Cross site scripting is all about stealing a
> cookie, right? Cookies do not
> > contain logins and passwords in them. So what is
> so important about them? I
> > know that you can steal someone's session id and
> enter his mailbox but still
> > you are limited. I am not quite familiar with it
> so my question is what is the
> > worst thing attacker can do (besides stealing
> cookie), with a website which is
> > vulnerable to cross site scripting? Please
> enlighten me! Thanks

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