the best book i have found is Building and Managing Virtual Private
Networks, by Dave Kosiur.  It describes all methods of encryption and
authentication.  It's very good for understanding all the protocols

re the vpn speed - the Cisco Pix is very fast. here is a link to their
product description page.

I looked into the Symantec and Sonicwall products, but their vendors
couldn't even tell me how much memory the devices had.  Cisco give you a
very complete product description.  Also, if you buy a support contract
(pretty inexpensive), their tech support is outstanding.


-----Original Message-----
From: Winsley de Oliveira [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2002 3:28 PM
To: Mike Carney; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: VPN Speed


You can use Sonicwall firewall to make your VPN

Take a look at

If you have any doubts, just ask me.

 --- Mike Carney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escreveu: > Hello
> I am tasked with trying to find a faster VPN
> solution for our company.
> Currently we use Microsoft's VPN service running
> PPTP.  Could anyone provide
> links that explain the different encryption
> technologies and the speed that
> relates to products that are on the market?  Thanks
> in advance for all those
> who reply.
> Mike

Winsley de Oliveira

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