One possibility I have recently read refers to port 12345 also being used by
TrendMicro's OfficeScan using 12345 (NetBus's port) to listen for updates.
This product apparently has some major vuln. (check Bugtraq), so maybe these
guys are scanning for Trend customers? What do the rest of you think?

-----Original Message-----
From: Kev [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, January 22, 2002 12:17 PM
Subject: Netbus Trojan Scans seen in Dec/Jan

Hi there,

I am interested to know why we see so many incidents of the Netbus Trojan
scans on the network around this time of year. We saw exactly the same on
the network last year. Why this particular Trojan scan and not some other
like Sub7 or BackOrifice? Is it just that Netbus is more popular with the
script kiddies?

Also approximately 80% of the source IP's trace back to ISP's in Korea. The
ISP "Thrunet" tops the list. Again we saw the same last year.

Any particular reason why the majority come from Korea? Emails re incidents
to ISP's in Korea, (and also China), very rarely receive a response in my
experience, although I guess this may be attributed to the language factor.

Thanks in advance


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