We want to put login banners stating our network is 
for Official Company Business Only on ALL access 
points to our network. We've been able to do this 
everywhere but on our RAS server. We've edited 
System Policy and get the login message when we 
are standing at the console and log into the server! 
but not when someone dials in from home. We can 
edit the registries of company computers, but if it's a 
hacker, they won't be using a company comuter.

I've searched TechNet and every site I can think of. 
CIAC has directions for everything BUT Microsoft's 
Remote Access. We're using Remote Access on 
Windows NT 4.0 server. We could upgrade to 
Windows 2000. The problem seems to be that 
people can set their PCs to login to their own PC 
before connecting to the server so therefore do not 
see a login message.

I know this is off list but can someone PLEASE point 
us in the right direction? This was an audit finding we 
need to fix. 

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