I'm not sure I follow.  If we are talking about users connecting from the
'Net and retrieving their mail, then my suggestion for Shady would be to
look at OWA, or set up POP server(s) in a DMZ with user accounts that
retrieve email from the main Exchange server on the inside.

The part that confuses me, is the part about controlling attachments.  If
you have users getting their mail from the 'Net, how are you going to have
less control over attachments?  It all has to come across the Exchange
server anyway, right?  It can still scan/detach "dangerous" attachment file
types.  If we were talking about users going outbound from the intranet,
blocking POP3 wouldn't stop them from getting attachments via Hotmail.

I know I must be missing something obvious here, Scott, please clue me in.

Network Security Consultant
Raleigh, NC

-----Original Message-----
From: Ferguson, Scott [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, February 25, 2002 1:46 PM
Subject: RE: POP3

we took pop3 away from our users not long ago due to virus concerns,
technically the desktop software will scan attachments/emails if configured
properly, but we like to control the specific types of attachments they
can/cannot receive and scan all mail at the server level first

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Saturday, February 23, 2002 5:00 PM
Subject: POP3

My users want me to to give them POP3 access via

the firewall. We have an Exchange Server runnig with

a Checkpoint Firewall. Are there any security issues

that I need to watch out

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  • ... shady
    • ... Dominik Birk
    • ... Kanikkannanl PN-149709 Dept-corp Audit Div Desg-Asst.Manager 1/421037 Ph-43983/45283
    • ... Benedikt Wildenhain
    • ... Ferguson, Scott
    • ... McGee, James
    • ... Chris Payne
    • ... Vidas, Tim
    • ... Burleson, Lee (IA)
      • ... Gary McKinney
        • ... Håkan Stensby
    • ... Ferguson, Scott
    • ... irado furioso com tudo
    • ... Chris Payne

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