On Wed, 2002-02-27 at 11:11, Sumit Dhar wrote:
> 2. How compatible are gnupg and pgp?


> 3. Lastly, anyone can send their keys to the keyserver. How does the
> keyserver authenticate that [EMAIL PROTECTED] is really X and not some
> impersonator?? Or is that beyond the jurisdiction of the key server?
> Does the key server also act as some sort of Certification Authority??
> If no, how can I integrate these two functions?

it doesn't. there is no central CA. instead, you have to get someone to
certify that you are who you say you are. and then everyone who trusts
that person will trust your identity. i think it's called the "web of
trust". this is the exact same way CA's like verisign work; it's just
that everyone's browser comes automatically knowin and trusting



[EMAIL PROTECTED] || www.divisionbyzero.com
gpg key: www.divisionbyzero.com/pubkey.asc
think i have a virus?: www.divisionbyzero.com/pgp.html
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