You made a very good point.  It IS unfair for people to ask
lists the same questions over and over and expect a response every time.
But certainly it is unfair to give that answer to somebody new to the
list, they don't know about this google concept...  "Go to google"
appears rude to them.  Of course it is not really rude, but until they
understand how the list works bad vibes flow. :(  It might be a good
idea to give new users search tips that we take for granted, via email
after they subscribe.  If there is already a system in place that does
this forgive my ignorance, I subscribed a while back and don't recall
anything of this sort.

- - -
Greg Horne

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jay D. Dyson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, March 01, 2002 6:34 PM
> To: Greg Horne
> Subject: Re: Google Attitude was RE: Unclassified Disk "Sanitizers"
> Hash: SHA1
> On Thu, 28 Feb 2002, Greg Horne wrote:
> > I know what you mean.  It seems to me that a lot of people take for
> > granted the knowledge that they have.  I mean, not everybody knows
> > to search for on google.
>       I'd have to disagree on that point.  Ninety-nine times out of
> one-hundred, whenever I have seen a question to which I give the
> is your friend" answer, the very search string used is the key words
> the author's question.
>       For example:    Question: Is there a Howto or a FAQ on NFS?
>                       Answer  : Go to Google and enter
>       Bang.  That's it.  It's trivial.  Anyone who so much as *knows*
> that Google exists could do that.
>       The bottom line is this: I don't mind helping people out.  I got
> to where I am because others pointed me in the right direction when I
> needed it.  But one thing that was made *sparkling clear* from the
> was that it was disrespectful to just expect others to regurgitate
> any time you wanted.  Indeed, it was a matter of courtesy of respect
to at
> least first make your own effort to find what you needed before asking
> someone else to give you the answers.
>       It may seem unfriendly to some folks, but it's honestly not.
> you get down to it, sure, none of us acquired our knowledge all by
> ourselves...but we also didn't acquire our knowledge by asking someone
> else to do our homework all the time.
> - -Jay
>   (    (
>   ))   ))   .--"There's always time for a good cup of coffee"--.
> -.
> C|~~|C|~~| (>------ Jay D. Dyson -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] ------<) |
> |-'
>  `--' `--'  `The armed are citizens.  The unarmed are subjects.'
> Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (SunOS)
> Comment: See for current keys.
> 1soAn3Pv6e4NLxrcLoagtG9KqgWVdknK
> =PgT5

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