Although you did not mention it I will assume you are behind some sort of
firewall and have your web server in a dmz. If you do then you just need to add
a rule that would prevent denial of service attacks. This would check all
connections and make sure they are not trying to send you more than x
connection requests a minute, if they are then the rule drops every request
from that host after x. If you are running iptables as your firewall I can
provide you with the rules to do this.

If your web server is not behind a firewall I would recommend putting it behind
one ( in a dmz type configuration).

- Nick Edens

[EMAIL PROTECTED]  (3/6/02  9:29 AM):
>Hi gurus
>one of my apache servers is being bombarded by some IPs (in different
>ranges) trying for a root.exe or cmd.exe. etc.
>luckily im on redhat 71. linux.
>but the tries frequency is every second from some ip or another.
>im running portsentry but portesntry does not log port 80
>how do i block them from permanently accessing my server.
>BTW ive put that IPs in my /etc/hosts.deny still no joy.
>durga prasad

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