> I have 180 Win2K desktops, and am looking for an
> automated solution to quickly and efficiently deploy
> patches throughout the enterprise.

What's the best remote windows(tm) xyz(c) management tool ?
A car :-)

> I have used SMS
> before, but find it cumbersome and time consuming to
> use. Does anyone have any other suggestions? Tips?
> Tricks?

We have deployed things using the symantec norton antivirus central
console (don't remember the exact real name). It was easy to remotely
execute anything with this, unfortunatly, the latest versions do not
allows you to do this anymore.

A solution could be to add a registry entry in
HKLM\microsoft\windows\currentversion\runonce ? Or maybe the runex (I
don't know what is its purpose). But I doubt your users have admin

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