Hi All,

I am new at this and would appreciate some 
direction.  The following 
was detected by my IDS sensor.  The "email_turn" 
event was recorded but 
the source was the smtp server in my dmz and the 
destination address was 
an internal smtp server.   A few questions:

1. What exactly is an Email_turn event?

2. What danger, if any,  does this feature (smtp turn, 
I'm guessing) 
present on my internal smtp server 

3.  What do I lose by not allowing it. It is MS 
Exchange 5.5.

Thanks in advance.


'Email_Turn' event detected by the 
RealSecure 'myids' at
        Source Address: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx  Source 
Port: 2244
        Source MAC Address: xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx

Destination Address: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx

Destination Port: E-mail (25)
        Destination MAC Address: xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx

Time: 2002-03-14 23:54:42 UTC
        Protocol: TCP (6)
        Priority: low
        Event Specific Information:

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